Alex Swan 1 week ago

Nat provided excellent feedback and was very helpful. The audio coursework had some great tips and I learnt a lot. I also really enjoyed getting some proper feedback on my writing.

I found I needed to do a lot more work on developing my characters, which really helped with my writing. I have also made a whole heap of changes to how I was writing descriptions, dialogue etc based on the coursework modules. I needed to think more about smell and sound and touch. My writing was very focused on what you could see.

I found this course really helpful for the work I was doing on my novel. I plan to do more courses with the Australian Writers' Centre so I can keep improving!

Anisha Ghani 1 week ago

The flexibility in completing the modules online at my own pace and short duration was what I was looking for, as I juggle work and a baby.

I honestly loved the content and depth of the course. Margaret was amazing at verbal feedback. I'm definitely motivated to keep writing and at least self-learning.

It's exactly the push you need to get started if you're a newbie to children's picture book writing.

Nimandra Gunasekera 1 week ago

I had been wanting to do a course like this for a long time so when I found this particular course, I knew it would work for me. I am so glad I enrolled.

I have seen an improvement in my writing after following Nat's feedback which was always constructive.

I hadn't been writing regularly and this course made me write every week which I am hoping to keep doing. I also enjoyed reading the work of others, giving feedback and also receiving feedback from others on my own writing.

It has reminded me how much I enjoy the creative process of constructing a story. The characters that live in my head may find a home now.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the course. I would recommend it to anyone who is wanting to take the next step in their writing, whether they're just starting out or have a half-written novel.

Joanna Rijs 1 week ago

Loved the tutor. Gave really good constructive feedback. Had her own personal opinions on the pieces so didn't sound rehearsed or robotic. Her passion showed in every video.

I enjoyed the assessments. Breaking down the writing to its basics and slowly building it up to a full scene.

I got a lot out of the week 3 assignment, the visualisation in which we imagined ourselves thoroughly in the scene before writing. I will be using that constantly going forward.

I've already recommended this course to others. I've said it is a great way to re-ignite writing passion, and that it's motivated me to properly get cracking on my writing.

Thanks to Nat, she was great :)

Holly Dufek 1 week ago

Really enjoyed all the modules, the assignment relevance, the mode of feedback and the feedback. All was excellent. The tutor was positive and knowledgeable.

I enjoyed getting to know all the elements of book writing. A lot more complex than expected.

Christine 1 week ago

I have been blogging for years and have been attempting to write a non-fiction book on criticism for creatives. I wanted to improve my professionalism without losing my 'voice'.

Vivienne is very knowledgeable and professional. I really enjoyed challenging myself and the feedback was really helpful.

I have already recommended this course and others to friends. The courses are full great content but also easy to complete in the allotted time. Perfect for busy people wanting to improve their skills.

Jessica Watts 1 week ago

I loved this course. Nat Newman is fantastic and her feedback was very beneficial for me.

I have learned so much that I will be taking away with me. It's the perfect course for someone looking to get into writing but don't know where to start.

Mairead Finn 1 week ago

The structure of the course is very suitable for people with a busy life. The course instructor encouraged and motivated us to take this time and enjoy which also provided extra motivation to take time out during the week to focus on something for just myself.

I enjoyed the weekly exercises (although I missed my last one). Having a set task each week kept me on track and up to date.

It encouraged me to take time out for myself each week and not feel guilty.

Definitely worth it for both very amateur and experienced writers. Having an independent person evaluate and give feedback on your style is invaluable.

Susanna Ots-Maher 1 week ago

I enjoyed the push to write in the form of assignments. It always gave quite a buzz to produce them. Also, the writing craft knowledge that came with the lectures and Valerie's conversational, almost confiding style.

Jo provided a great balance between both positive and constructive feedback. She was quite tactful in providing constructive feedback, which obviously can be hard to hear when you're not used to it. I liked that she encouraged us to maximise our benefit from the course and listen to everyone's feedback.

I feel very inspired and encouraged to continue developing my craft and to have a go at some short story contests.

Billie Rooney 1 week ago

This course is fabulous! As soon as I finished the course, I knew that this was one AWC course that I would work through again and again while I still had access to the materials. It wasn't just inspiring, it opened new doors to writing more freely and gave me permission to be a more courageous writer.

I felt like I was being taken on a rich and exciting journey. There was so much help and wisdom to find along the way, and by the end I felt ready to try new things.

This course is about so much more than writing, it is about creativity and how to live a creative life. It is full of tips and strategies, all shared in the most generous and supportive way.

This course will change how you see yourself as a writer. I can't recommend this highly enough.

Billie Rooney 1 week ago

I had started writing my first children's novel, and got stuck along the way. I thought this course might be just the thing to help. I wasn't sure about how much of my work I needed to have completed before I started, but it turns out there was a lot of variety in this and where I was at worked well for the course.

Pamela is such an experienced writer and teacher and it was so helpful to receive her feedback and insights, both on my own work and also on the work of others. As well as the quality of the course materials, I loved the sense of community that Pamela developed during the course.

The chance to see my writing more clearly from the perspective of a reader was significant. I now think more about the relationship between the writer and the reader, and the magic that happens between them.

If you are writing a novel for young children, then this course will provide you with all the essential knowledge you need. As a bonus you will find a wonderful community of others who are also on the same journey.

Kate Feher 2 weeks ago

Each time I access an AWC course or seminar I know my abilities as a writer are improving. I've lately called myself a writer to my family. I'm a writer who is passionate about writing and that's enough for now.

Do it. You may think you are a good writer now but the knowledge from AWC courses will make your writing shine.

Thanks for such a fantastic site where we can learn at our own pace and review content repeatedly for 12 months.

Cherie Mountney 2 weeks ago

I was pleasantly surprised that we covered off the essentials of the technical side of emails, but the focus was definitely on the copywriting. It was a terrific balance. Plus - we covered so much more than I expected in the marketing space... so useful.

Bernadette was wonderful. Very clear, her little anecdotes and stories along the way really kept me engaged and brought the content alive. Her feedback was awesome - so helpful and enthusiastic.

I actually really enjoyed the process of writing the assignments and receiving feedback. They were very manageable and practical, and a good opportunity to let loose without constraints or specifics like tone-of-voice etc, that you have to work to with a client.

I'm keen to do another course soon as I just LOVED this - so fun. I'm actually a graphic designer who has 'ended up' copywriting for lots of clients over the years, and I'm now in a full time copywriting role. This course has taken my content to the next level and helped me to understand what works, what doesn't, and why. Really achievable and great value for money. AND - thanks for the awesome feedback Bernadette, it was a highlight of my week ;).

This course has everything you need, in sufficient depth to be incredibly useful and immediately actionable, but at the same time, it's achievable in the midst of a busy schedule. You'll also learn the important parts of marketing as a whole - which is valuable insight and important context. As Bernadette says, it will make you very valuable to a client and instantly employable.

Jacks Y 2 weeks ago

I was attracted to this course by the opportunity to explore and develop various writing techniques, including character creation, voice, and structure. I was a bit worried about the cost at first, and juggling the sessions with my schedule seemed tricky. But honestly, it was so worth it! I'd totally do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Every session was illuminating, filled with insightful discussions and valuable takeaways on writing, and Pamela's just such an insightful, warm teacher.

Pamela was brilliant! Her insights and guidance were invaluable, and I only wish we could have had more time with her. She was also so generous with her knowledge.

The fortnightly sessions were particularly enjoyable, filled with engaging discussions and a great sense of community. Especially enjoyed the critique/feedback from Pamela, and I loved my groupmates.

The diversity of writing styles and the depth of discussion in each session provided numerous 'aha!' moments that broadened my understanding of writing. The course has deepened my passion for writing and opened up new perspectives and techniques that have enriched my skills. Ready for the next step in my writing journey!

I would highly recommend it for anyone looking to enrich their writing skills in a supportive and engaging community with amazing tutors!

Kiara 2 weeks ago

I'm starting out as a freelance writer and wanted to ensure I had all the knowledge on hand about running a business and getting a good income from freelancing.

The information was clear and quick - it could be done in a few hours. I feel prepared to start my own freelance business and I feel confident about it succeeding.

Fantastic courses with an incredible amount of information. As good quality as any uni course.

Maya Ima 2 weeks ago

It was very easy to follow and understand with plenty of supporting materials to solidify the learning journey

I enjoyed seeing the application of principles in real life examples, such as articles and blog posts.

It has set a foundational tone for me to gauge whether I prefer this style or copywriting or another creative style altogether.

Easy to follow, accessible, abundance of resources, very informative and helpful.

Jim Myhill 2 weeks ago

The writing exercises were fun, and the feedback sessions very useful.

I used what I learned to write a short story that was published in WQ #285 (Qld Writers Centre Magazine) June 2024. It was the winner of the 1000-word short story competition for "Writing Friday" participants. I was delighted! :)

AWC offers great courses with the benefit of obtaining real feedback from a very experienced author. It's that aspect that sets the courses apart from the many "video" courses available.

Mandy Hogg 2 weeks ago

Prior to starting, I had written 60K words in my first draft, so I wanted to learn from Louisa by starting a fresh story and then retrofitting it back to my first. This course has been helpful in confirming my first story is on track and providing me with the confidence and tools to finish it. I now have a pitch, structure, character profiles and scene starters all set to go on with my next story.

Louisa Larkin is an amazing tutor with a true passion for the craft. She encouraged all of us along the way, followed up to ensure we were able to complete the set tasks and provided useful thought-provoking feedback.

I thoroughly enjoyed this course and miss the weekly Zoom sessions with Louisa. My fellow classmates were friendly, supportive, and inspiring, with amazing ideas that prove the magnitude of diversity in creativity.

Since starting my writing journey, I've been seeking a writing group with like-minded people. Louisa encouraged our lovely group to make contact and continue supporting each other. We now have a fabulous Writers' Circle, meeting regularly online. And I suspect will be lifelong friendships :)

The classic thriller structure Louise guided us through using segments from one of her own books was generous and invaluable. I found this particularly beneficial as I'd read her books and could clearly relate to the points within the three-act structure.

Go for it - you have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

Clare Hattersley 3 weeks ago

It is a great course, very useful, thanks! I enjoyed learning the tools of the trade. I know that it will make a big impact as I begin really using it for my clients and my own business.

Bernadette is excellent, and provided great feedback.

Karen Payne 3 weeks ago

What's not to enjoy about listening to Pamela Freeman? Her writing achievements are extraordinary, and when she is speaking to me, I feel like she is in the room with me. I also love getting handouts. I make notes and refer back to them later.

If I were to recommend the AWC to someone, I would tell them that every piece of information is useful, their courses don't contain any "useless fluff," they are always available to provide assistance and their content is up to date. Money well spent.

Thanks to the staff in the background, and the tutors and presenters up front, for their support for struggling writers.


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