Rochelle Miller 3 years ago

I liked that it was straightforward and to the point, addressed information required to self-publish on Kindle, and how it explained where to find any further information and resources.

AWC offers great, user-friendly content to help you reach your writing goals.

Valerie Miller 3 years ago

I have learnt so much and feel empowered about fitting writing in my life. I have just spent the last 30 days completing the extra Writing Bootcamp course and I am now writing every day, engaged and committed.

Nimmity Zappert 3 years ago

Great. And very efficient! Feedback was fast and clear.

The ability to listen to the audio file while reading along - or not. This made it flexible so I could multi-task while listening if I wanted to.

It's got me writing again by focusing on a specific task or technique - the idea of practising writing, rather than always writing for your project.

Give it a go. Very welcoming and fun, plus learn real skills. Thanks so much for a very enjoyable course. It's lovely to reconnect with this community again - will be hanging around :)

Rosie Panetta 3 years ago

I have a lifelong dream to be a published author - which led me to your podcast series "Magic & Mayhem" - which led me to the course website. Given the year most of us are having, I did hesitate over the price of this particular course compared to others you offer - but I just went for it - and I'm really happy I have.

Zanni was lovely. Hearing her read our stories and provide positive feedback has fired up my passion for writing. She was also really good at providing meaningful feedback to questions and assignments. I really did enjoy having the chance to write, read and hear stories from others in the course.

It's encouraged me to write more. To write every half idea down just in case in turns into something bigger and better later. I also think hearing Zanni tell me she could see my manuscript published was more of a "YAY! maybe this isn't such a ridiculous dream" moment.

Thanks guys - can't wait to sign up to another one.

Jaime Riquelme 3 years ago

I was struggling to write - I would make time for it and would last about 3/4 of a notebook page before I either got anxious, disheartened or just confused. I needed some guidance, advice and more knowledge on crafting a story from scratch. It was a bit of a shot in the dark and I didn't know what I was going to get myself into. It was a personal thing and I didn't tell my missus at first. Funny story - two days after I enrolled in this course, she came to me and showed me the Facebook ad for the course and told me I should do it and I said, "I've already enrolled!"

Stephen was honest and caring with his feedback. My week 4 assignment wasn't the best, but Stephen's input helped me improve my writing. I didn't feel disheartened but motivated to improve, which shows what good feedback can do.

I'm super confident, in the sense that I can approach my writing with bravery and not get disheartened. The first draft is me telling the story to myself and that's become my motto so I don't abandon work early. The other night I wrote for two hours in a notebook, which hasn't happened for a long time.

I'd say go for it and please interact with others because you learn a lot. I'm now doing the short story course and I'm just as excited with that course as I was when I started this one.

Money well spent. Thank you!

Brendan Irwin 3 years ago

I've been listening to the podcast on and off for a number of years and I really want to make the transition to being a full time writer.

I liked Stephen, he offered great feedback and I felt like I improved over the 5 weeks. I feel really confident in my writing, and that I am following the right path.

I would say it's money well spent, jump on and get started.

Dianne Britton 3 years ago

I feel very sad that the course has come to an end. I will miss it very much but do feel inspired and empowered to continue writing now. Thankyou to Zanni, my co-learners and to Australian Writers' Centre for providing and nurturing such a rich and wonderful course.

From the moment I started writing for the first assignment I felt I had found my 'happy writing place.' Everything seemed to just fit together and feel right. That is not to say it is easy, I spent hours pondering, switching, changing and refining words. But it is a pleasurable pain!

I feel so fortunate and privileged to have Zanni as our tutor. She is experienced, passionate and knowledgable about writing which really showed through her comments. She always found positive aspects to discuss in everyone's writing but also wise, sometimes challenging, constructive advice about ways to improve. I loved how she took the time to read our stories aloud and then comment 'in person' through video. It was a highlight of the week, not just to hear our own stories, but also those of our colleagues.

If you have a burning passion for writing or just a little niggle that lives inside you, the AWC has a course to guide, enlighten and inspire you to bring it to life. There are so many courses, delivered in flexible ways that you can find one which meets your needs and fits within your lifestyle. You will learn so much from every course and one could even change your future.

Aneta Isaak 3 years ago

Absolutely wonderful experience. I just loved Valerie and her recordings. Very enthusiastic, engaging and overall insightful.

I always got nervous and excited (adrenalin rush) waiting for people's comments on my work after I hit 'post'.

Overall I am much more confident in writing my scenes now. There was something I always included in my story even before the course. Emotion and action (Red & Black). But, environment (yellow) was not something I focused on. I love that we got taught about this and now I am always closing my eyes and imagining my character's surroundings before (or even in the middle when I'm stuck) I write.

So glad I spent that money on this wonderful experience. I am sad that it has ended though. But am planning to join the Facebook page so I'm sure I'll get to keep in touch with a lot of wonderful and intelligent people.

Toni Neill 3 years ago

Pamela is very knowledgeable and gives a lot of valuable feedback which I really appreciated. I love how direct she is. It's what I wanted.

Creative Writing Stage 1 really impacted my writing and this course drove home even more the concepts that I learned in CW1.

I am extremely impressed with how well the whole system is put together, how much thought has gone into the system, I have seen a lot of online trainings and none of them compare to how well you have put this together.

And that is not even giving the content what it is due. The content is excellent, it is well presented, the whole system is solid.

Jacqui Peake 3 years ago

I trust the AWC brand and this course also provided value for money.

Bernadette was great! She obviously knows her stuff, and provides straightforward feedback. She's also a delight to listen to.

I have already done a couple of small copywriting jobs and have the confidence now to apply for, and chase, more.

Thanks Bernadette!

Rachel Wood 3 years ago

My tutor LA Larkin was fantastic at giving encouraging and constructive feedback. I have more confidence in myself to write now and know I am on the right track.

I also found the audio tutorials really great, I loved going for a walk while listening to them.

I learnt to express a character's feelings more through action of the character rather than saying how they feel, which is really helpful! I would say it's a great way to start your writing journey and learn everything you need to be a great writer.


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