Nicholas Alexopoulos 1 month ago

I've always wanted to learn how to turn my food memories and stories into a creative piece. Having the opportunity to present my real life experiences and pitching them to editors was a big attraction for me.

Carli was a great tutor who has a wealth of experience in travel, writing and pitching to publishers. Picking her brain was highly useful in understanding potential steps forward in the food writing industry.

I feel really passionate on getting pen to paper and going through my food travel pics and writing stories from Vietnam, Malaysia and Italy. I want to write some pieces, start a website and combine these travel stories with restaurant recommendations and recipes.

This course is a great way to flesh out all of your food ideas and memories into a well published piece. It gives you an opportunity to learn about the fine details and nuances that put you above the rest when pitching to a publisher.

Melissa Kelly 1 month ago

Margaret was very knowledgeable. She was kind in her feedback but honest at the same time. The feedback she gave made sense and was very helpful.

I learnt so much in this course and so many things surprised me. Doing this course completely changed the way I write a picture book and I have more confidence that what I submit to a publisher might actually have a chance to be looked at.

It taught me more than I thought I needed to know.

I write with more confidence now and I feel like I have a clear pathway towards getting a book published

It's definitely worth it. It doesn't take up all your time. You can do it.

Georgina Sierra 1 month ago

I imported a manuscript that I had abandoned for two years now and finally have the courage to edit it. It needs so much work but at least now I don't have to print out hundreds of pages to do so.

I learned things I didn't know the program could do that are extra helpful. The labels and corkboards. Oh and the Linguistic feature. So handy!

I would say the Australian Writers' Centre is a great place to harness your writing skills. It provides helpful courses that you can incorporate into your life without giving up your day job...or at least until you can...and don't have to give up years for tertiary education. You will learn what you registered to learn.

Tania Bogdanoski 1 month ago

I have been reading travel articles all my life and writing sporadically for the past few years. I've now learnt the actual terms of certain things like write-offs and breakout boxes. I am also now able to identify areas for improvement in my pieces.

AWC gives you all the tools you need to become a successful writer - the rest is up to you.

Gillian 1 month ago

Such a comprehensive course relevant to any genre or audience. I have a much better grasp of how to approach my story in terms of plot as well as characters.

Every AWC course is full of wisdom and insight from experienced authors who are passionate about helping you write better stories.

Kate Feher 1 month ago

I now know what to look for when writing and editing to make my writing connect emotionally with my readers.

I liked the concrete examples of the same extract written as telling then rewritten as showing.

AWC is such a professional, accessible supportive resource that enables would-be writers to skip from being amateurs to professionals after learning from AWC's practical courses.

Brian Oldman 1 month ago

The Short Stories Essentials course really provided me with the structure and tools to improve my writing. I feel that the quality of my writing output has noticeably stepped up since completing the course.

I enjoyed the wide range of relevant quotes from authors that illustrated the teaching points being made, and the ability to go back and revisit the modules and materials.

It really provided me with structure and tools that I previously did not have. I am also thinking far more about my reader, and how they will respond, when I am writing.

It provides practical guidance and clear instruction, which is easy to follow, and that you can immediately start using in your writing.

Ashley Smith 1 month ago

I have always loved writing and traveling. Having raised three children who are now all on their own path, I thought it was time to combine two of my passions. I found this course online and watched the preview/promotional video which made learning about the specifics involved in travel writing look very interesting, relatable and easy to follow. I liked the idea of self-guided learning at my pace.

The detailed, relevant and hands on information made the learning process very easy. The review check lists, sample pitch and email templates for editors are excellent and the variety of sample reading material and extra links are invaluable.

I really enjoyed reading through the travel articles and the interviews with Katrina Lobley. I also thought Valerie spoke very clearly, concisely and personably. She provided and presented excellent information in a very comfortable setting.

I have had many story/articles ideas swirling around in my head for years - interesting places I have been to, things I have seen, unique experiences, travel emergencies I have had to navigate. Now that I have completed this course, I have a fire in my belly. I cannot wait to get started.

Sign up today! Don't wait. If you're interested in learning to write emotive, informative, captivating travel articles professionally (or simply for your own satisfaction) and you want to know the correct way to contact the right people in order to get published, then this course is perfect.

Anne Hassett 1 month ago

I found Nat very balanced in the way she approached feedback for our assignments, combining encouragement with constructive criticism and always finding a special detail that she praised.

I enjoyed having the process of writing fiction unpacked and presented in basic modules the novice writer can get their head around. The combination of great audio sessions, written exercises and assignments was very user friendly. Whether I can incorporate all the information provided into my own writing seems daunting, but I'm encouraged by the course's mantra of 'just keep writing'.

Having attempted a novel I now realise was very uncooked, as the audio presenter so succinctly described most submitted manuscripts, I've put that away and will explore my next plot idea with the skills I hope this course has provided me with.

I had this fantasy that a novel could grow 'organically' as I stared at the computer and the words a publisher would love just appeared. I now know better!

A great introduction to writing fiction 101. I would also suggest attempting some kind of fiction writing before undertaking the course. I've found looking back at my attempts after listening to the audio sessions more constructive than if I hadn't made such appalling mistakes.

The AWC is an amazing writing resource. It's great to have access to the audio sessions for a period of time as there is so much to absorb from them.

Jeanette Woods 1 month ago

I learnt a great deal, and found the submitted exercises really useful to do.

Bernadette was excellent, and very generous in her responses to our writing, as well as giving helpful corrections.

I enjoyed being free to write and create new characters and stories. I have some story ideas, and feel empowered to write things I had not even thought of, with at least some basic understanding of creative writing.

Don't hesitate or feel inadequate. The course does what it promises to do.

Brodie Bergin 1 month ago

Being self-paced was so handy to learn at my leisure and not work around a set time.

I enjoyed knowing more about the emotional journey of the main character/s, giving them challenges and the plot structure of a romance novel - all very helpful and encouraging that I'm on the right path and to continue writing!

DO IT! So helpful, taught me so many things I didn't know, and didn't realise I didn't know!

Charlotte Panton 1 month ago

I wanted to become more mentally involved in thinking about how the structures of a novel are built from a writer's perspective and the Writing Workout course was perfect for that. It got me thinking and pondering about my own book.

Bernadette was lovely. She had these positive vibes when we met up over the Zoom calls and her advice was extremely helpful and encouraging.

It's given me more confidence with working with others and sharing my story and characters through workshopping.

The Australian Writers' Centre is a great place to start learning about the basics of story writing, character development and structure with great tutors and other students for advice.

David T. Crum 1 month ago

The Australian Writers' Centre is great. The lessons are detailed and personable. I am already using the material in my existing writing gigs.

Alex was kind and thorough in her feedback. I saved all of her grading feedback for real-life implementation.

Diana Hibberson 1 month ago

I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found it inspirational and motivating.

I love Pamela's vibrant personality and her enthusiasm. She was extremely helpful with her feedback.

The course itself helped develop a good routine for writing my m/s. I really enjoyed “meeting” fellow students and hearing their ideas and feedback on my m/s as well.

I have now finished my debut novel ( well, maybe I still have a few drafts to go) and am determined to be a published author!

If you've been thinking about writing at all, just do it! AWC has so many courses to choose from there is something to suit everyone, and it's affordable. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Just want to add a huge “thank you”. The worst part of finishing any of your courses is that I miss it all - the audio lessons, the submissions, the feedback. So I'll probably have to enrol in another course, won't I?

Sarah Gajek 1 month ago

The genre module was particularly helpful for me in understanding what genre my novel is and how I should position it in the market. I really enjoyed the live zoom calls with Pamela. They were incredibly helpful!

It helped me understand the difference between genres such as romance, women's fiction and domestic suspense, as well as genre stories with romantic elements. And let's face it, if you don't know your genre then you can't pitch your book with success!

Do one of their courses if you want to become a serious writer.

Rosie McMahon 1 month ago

I have learned a huge amount doing this course. It has inspired me to not only finish the novel I'm writing but seek out more about the whole industry and learning much more.

Pamela provided useful feedback throughout the course, where to focus and what might be some potential stumbling blocks. She is an experienced author with lots of knowledge and an amazing resource.

I enjoyed workshopping with other aspiring writers, and the fabulous information that helped me to learn an enormous amount about what goes into writing a novel.

I knew very little about writing a novel before doing this course. I can't tell you how much the learning has helped me to understand so much more. Writing a novel has got technique, skill, craft, and so much more than just having an idea about a story. It is about entertainment, the reader, their experience and connection. I knew this as a reader but not as a writer.

Do the AWC courses - you can't go wrong. You will learn so much.

Tracy McAllery 1 month ago

Pamela's feedback was terrific and very clear in her suggestions.

I enjoyed actually writing something and reading the group's submissions. I didn't expect to work as hard as I did, but that's a good thing. I enjoyed having to think differently.

In the way I approach a possible story, I think more about the small details and where they may take a story.

It's worth it just for the great feedback.

Candace Turner 1 month ago

I found Margaret to be very positive and encouraging, but also constructive - which as a new writer made me feel like I can actually do this!

I really enjoyed workshopping with my fellow classmates and Margaret's feedback videos.

It's encouraged me to keep writing and reassured me that I can write a good story.

Sarah Webb 1 month ago

This particular course felt like a good way for me to shift my mindset. The price was attractive for that initial step and it has now opened my mind to not just moving into a different career path as a writer, but given me practical steps to do so while still supporting my family.

I was able to complete the course in my own time and whenever time allowed. I have now enrolled in your Copywriting Essentials as a practical way to continue on my path to reinvent myself.

I loved the quote you provided in the final lesson "feel the fear and do it anyway". Fear has been an enormous roadblock for me. I have felt like an imposter for so many years and this was excellent advice to finish on.

AWC offers good advice and a practical way to begin your writing career. At no time have I felt like an imposter and feel I now have the confidence to progress onto the next course and path in my journey.

Helen Jin 1 month ago

I enjoyed Pamela's very obvious love and experience of what she was presenting and that it was easy to follow. Also, the repetition of the important points - like little seeds throughout the workshop. The difference between flashbacks and memories... I had meshed them into one and the same.

If you want to be inspired to write just for you, or to publish, or out of interest, browse through the courses and take one that speaks to you.


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