Newsletter Teasers and Answers
27 June 2024 Teaser – “Double duty”
What single word fits the following two descriptions for each?
- To control electricity + To control an orchestra
- A deep voice + A common river fish
- To display on a large area + A school assignment
- How you keep documents tidy + How you keep your nails tidy
- Most humans have two + All metres have three (and a bit)
- Moves on to the next thing + Monetary takings
- A spooky ghost + A boozy drink
- When it’s not raining + Small in detail
- A large stone + A music genre
- Under most cities + Makes clothes by hand
- To practise for something + Rail transport
You can find the answers below.
ANSWERS BELOW! Continue scrolling at your own risk.
How did you go with these? Here are the answers:
- To control electricity + To control an orchestra CONDUCT
- A deep voice + A common river fish BASS
- To display on a large area + A school assignment PROJECT
- How you keep documents tidy + How you keep your nails tidy FILE
- Most humans have two + All metres have three (and a bit) FEET
- Moves on to the next thing + Monetary takings PROCEEDS
- A spooky ghost + A boozy drink SPIRIT
- When it’s not raining + Small in detail FINE
- A large stone + A music genre ROCK
- Under most cities + Makes clothes by hand SEWER(S)
- To practise for something + Rail transport TRAIN
20 June 2024 Teaser – “Short and sweet”
Here in Australia it will be the shortest day of the year tomorrow. So, in honour of this fact, can you unscramble all of the following synonyms for SHORT?
You can find the answers below.
ANSWERS BELOW! Continue scrolling at your own risk.
How did you go with the SHORT words? Here are the answers:
13 June 2024 Teaser – “Lucky 13”
Can you work out what the following 13-letter words are from the clues below? (First letter in parentheses.)
- Ironically (for such a long word), these are always shortened! (A)
- What you might be doing with a glass against a wall. (E)
- A way to describe complex patterns and colours. (K)
- How you might describe something happening every four years. (Q)
- So helpful in providing a place to stay! (A)
- AC/DC were rather surprised. (T)
- A way to preserve Pharaohs. (M)
- Devices that cops might have when they pull you over. (B)
- Olympic sport that rewards clean snatches. (W)
- An explanation of how to protest! (D)
- A type of confidential agreement. (N)
- An egg and sperm meet cute. (F)
- Destruction of property, e.g. graffiti. (V)
You can find the answers below.
ANSWERS BELOW! Continue scrolling at your own risk.
How did you go with the 13-letter words? Here are the answers:
- Ironically (for such a long word), these are always shortened! (A) ABBREVIATIONS
- What you might be doing with a glass against a wall. (E) EAVESDROPPING
- A way to describe complex patterns and colours. (K) KALEIDOSCOPIC
- How you might describe something happening every four years. (Q) QUADRENNIALLY
- So helpful in providing a place to stay! (A) ACCOMMODATING
- AC/DC were rather surprised. (T) THUNDERSTRUCK
- A way to preserve Pharaohs. (M) MUMMIFICATION
- Devices that cops might have when they pull you over. (B) BREATHALYSERS
- Olympic sport that rewards clean snatches. (W) WEIGHTLIFTING
- An explanation of how to protest! (D) DEMONSTRATION
- A type of confidential agreement. (N) NONDISCLOSURE
- An egg and sperm meet-cute. (F) FERTILISATION
- Destruction of property, e.g. graffiti. (V) VANDALISATION