Copy Club

For copywriters. Creating wealth from words.™

Copy Club membership is ideal for copywriters wanting to build their freelance business and develop their skills with a supportive coach by their side.

You will:
Receive exclusive tutorials, training and templates
Enjoy access to a copywriting coach – on hand to answer any questions
Meet like-minded people and expand your professional network
Fast-track your success as a standout copywriter.

Key information
Key information:


$65 per month
12-month commitment


$699 for the first year

Membership Now Open

  • A Copy Club membership is $65 per month for a minimum of 12 months OR an upfront payment of $699 for the first 12 months.
  • After your first 12 months, your membership continues at $65 per month, cancel anytime.

Here’s a sneak peek behind Copy Club doors…

What is Copy Club?

Copy Club is a safe, fun, supportive space for copywriters where you can hang out, meet others, share your wins, commiserate your losses, get advice, ask for feedback, brainstorm ideas, dip in and out as often as you want, for as long as you want, and know you have a community of like-minded people to turn to when you need help.

Most copywriters starting out face overwhelm; that feeling where you know you should be doing something, but you’re not sure what it should be. As a result, you don’t do anything! Overwhelm is the #1 reason why copywriters don’t flourish. We leave our copywriting growth strategies to luck and random choices. That’s never worked on a regular basis for anyone which is why we've created this membership.

You'll discover the world's best copywriting techniques, templates, tools and checklists, delivered to you every month with full implementation guides and regular challenges to keep you motivated.

This is the curated copywriting program you've been dreaming of. Finally! A program that helps you build your copywriting business, one step at a time, with the support of a fun-loving and generous community.

Highlights of Copy Club include:

Feedback and coaching:

You know what it’s like. You’ve written something but you’re not quite sure if it’s good enough to send. Indecision, doubt and fear take over so you don’t send it at all, or you do but with trepidation. There is a solution. Post it for review in our Private Facebook group and get feedback on it in real time, from Copy Coach and everyone else. Fear and doubt, begone!

Pitch practice:

Writing copy is one thing. Pitching and presenting it is another. Discover the tricks and tools for presenting your copy confidently, defending it, and dealing with client feedback. Whether you’re pitching online, in person or via email, you’ll get the tools in Copy Club so you can do it with ease.

Monthly tutorials:

Want to upskill in core areas so you can expand your scope of services? You’ll get access to our comprehensive range of micro-courses and tutorials (self-paced and on-demand) to help you get there. We'll cover LinkedIn, Instagram, email marketing, building a site, landing pages, motivation and mindset, hiring a VA, outsourcing – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s your one-stop pit stop for upskilling and more!

Contacts and collaborators:

Anyone who knows Bernadette knows she has a big book of contacts, a product of over 30 years working in the advertising and marketing business, and she shares those hard-fought for contacts willingly and happily with her network. Need a graphic designer? Web developer? Photographer? Branding expert? Email marketing guru? She’s your go-to person for anyone or anything you need.

Ask Me Anything sessions:

Every month, turn up with your most pressing questions and get them answered. Pricing, marketing, website development, managing clients, lack of momentum, no motivation – whatever question, dilemma or problem you have, we’ve got the answer.

Private Facebook community:

As a member of Copy Club, you’ll be invited to join an exclusive Facebook group where you can hang out and be with your peeps. We know copywriters like to chat, get advice, seek solace and discover job opportunities, so this is the place to do it. Private, respectful, fun, intimate – it’s the place to come for inspiration, affirmation, and just a little bit of (tough) love.

Want more? Here’s what other benefits you can look forward to:

  • Online hub for easy access to resources
  • Templates, checklists and tools covering dozens of topics
  • Exclusive job opportunities
  • Video training micro-courses 
  • Facebook Live training sessions
  • Feedback loops
  • Accountability circles
  • Networking opportunities
  • Mindfulness sessions
  • Copy critiques
  • Member success stories
  • ‘Live’ online website builds 
  • Masterclasses with industry legends 
  • Swipe files
  • Regular ‘Hot Seat' coaching sessions
  • Guest expert tutorials and workshops

Connecting with others is the key to success

Having access to a collegiate community can mean the difference between failure and success. We all know launching a new business means you’ll experience bumps along the way – all creative endeavours do – but it’s not what happens to you, it’s how you manage it. And that’s what Copy Club is for.  

We’re your backup team, here to help you overcome those hurdles, nurse those setbacks and give you the motivation and momentum to fulfil your destiny to become the successful copywriter you know you can be.

BONUS for members of Copy Club

Starting out as a copywriter? Need some templates to get you up and running?
Don’t reinvent the wheel or waste time working it out for yourself.

Copy Club members receive the ‘Copywriting Business Kick-starter Template Pack’ including video training on how to use each one (valued at $797). These templates cover the essential pillars for your copywriting business and will help you launch your new career with confidence.

Join Copy Club to receive instant access to these FIVE free copywriting templates:

1. Copywriter’s Rate Card – check out what others are charging, what you should charge and what clients expect to pay.
2. SEO Blog template – discover the easy way to write a blog and uncover the SEO secrets that will get your blog ranked on page one of Google.
3. Copywriting Proposal template – use this to put your best foot forward and win that job. Just fill in the blanks and send.
4. Invoicing template – not sure how your invoice should look or what it should include? Take the guesswork out by using this pre-populated template.
5. Copywriting Terms and Conditions template – include these important conditions in every proposal to protect yourself and to guarantee you get paid on time, every time.

Here’s your chance to make a great impression with your clients and fast-track the success of your business today.

Meet your Copy Coach – Bernadette Schwerdt

Copy Club is led by Bernadette Schwerdt, Australia’s most popular copywriting coach. Bernadette is the founder of the Australian School of Copywriting and, together with the Australian Writers' Centre, she's helped launch the careers of countless students through our Copywriting Essentials, SEO Copywriting and How to Build a Successful Freelance Copywriting Business courses. The feedback Bernadette receives is phenomenal and her experience, wisdom and empathy is what sets her apart from the others.

It’s rare to find a working copywriter today who hasn’t done one of her courses and she is now bringing her wealth of experience to Copy Club so you can get a daily hit of her unique, humorous and practical blend of advice and guidance.

Bernadette and her hand-picked team of trusted advisors, mentors and tutors will step you through the process of launching, building and promoting a successful freelance copywriting business.

Who’s Copy Club for?

Copy Club is for copywriters looking to build their skill base so they can charge more with confidence, build a scalable business and choose the clients they want to work with.

Beginners: You may be wondering, what even is copy? What does a copywriter do? You’ve had your eyes opened to the world of copy and realised that someone, somewhere is getting paid to write ads about beans, baby food and BMWs, and getting paid very well to do so. You think you’d like to be a part of this world but you’re wondering if it’s for you, if you’re qualified to be one or talented enough to write for a living. In short, you just want to learn more about the wonderful world of copywriting.

Getting started: You’ve done some copy courses, love what you’ve learnt but have no idea what to do next. You want a step-by-step guide for how to take what you’ve learnt, apply it in the real world and get some runs on the board. You want to get paid, but maybe want to get some experience before you hang out your copywriting shingle. You want a simple website, a few friendly clients to work with and a gentle introduction to what it feels like to get paid to write.

Moving up: You’ve got a few clients (yay!), bumbled your way through the brief, wrote the copy, delivered it (nervously), but you did it and now you want more. You just want to do it the smart way – easily and quickly. You also want a system you can follow each time so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel with every client. You want templates, structure and streamlined efficiency so you can make more money, more effortlessly, more easily.

Accelerated: You’ve been writing for a while, have a regular stream of clients but lack a streamlined system for how to take on large clients, work with others and outsource the work. You’re working hard but not as smart as you could, and you want that to change. You want to collaborate with others, build partnerships, earn more, do less and maybe, just maybe, develop some passive income streams and become a thought leader on the copywriting stage so that you can pick and choose the clients who never, ever quibble about price.

Create your own copywriting pathway

There’s nothing worse than been given a bunch of resources without a roadmap. Our unique online learning platform makes it easy for you to consume the content you need. You can ‘choose your own adventure’ and pick the content that matches your stage of your copywriting journey. 

Or you can follow our hand-crafted education ‘tours’ that save you the time and effort of knowing what to watch, when to watch it and what to do next.

Or you can do both.  We have a pathway for everyone.

We guide you every step of the way, indicate the best content for you to consume for your stage of your copywriting growth, and shine the light on what you should be doing at each milestone.

Starting a new business is already exhausting. Knowing what video, podcast, checklist or template to access shouldn’t be.

47 questions all new (and not so new) copywriters ask:

If you have asked any of these questions (and if you’re a budding copywriter we can almost guarantee you’ve asked at least ONE), then you’ll benefit big time from Copy Club. 

Imagine getting questions like this answered whenever you have them! 

How do we know what your questions are? Because Bernadette has been Australia’s leading copywriting coach since 2001, has coached over 10,000 students, written three bestselling books about online business, developed 10+ online courses about copywriting, delivered a much-watched TEDx talk about the creative process (“How to bumble your way to success”), worked with over 100+ blue chip advertising clients (including global brands like Apple, American Express, McDonalds and more) and has seen, done and witnessed more than most about what it takes to launch (and sustain) a successful copywriting business. 

There’s not much she hasn’t experienced, so she’s well placed to answer any questions you have. 

Like these…

  1. What should I charge for my copywriting?
  2. What should I call my business? Does it matter?
  3. How do I register a URL? What is a URL?
  4. Should I use WordPress, Wix or Weebly for my website?
  5. How much time should I spend on a piece of copy?
  6. What do I do when the client won’t ring me back?
  7. Should I get a deposit before I start work?
  8. What if the client doesn’t like my work?
  9. How can I stand out from the crowd when there are so many other copywriters?
  10. Is there enough work to go around?
  11. Should I use Freelancer and Upwork or are they a waste of time?
  12. Should I work for free and, if so, for how long?
  13. How can I find clients who match my values?
  14. What’s the best way to get backlinks to my website?
  15. What’s a backlink?
  16. What happens if the client doesn’t pay me?
  17. Who’s the best web developer and what do they charge?
  18. Do I have to be good at social media to be a good copywriter?
  19. What’s the best software to use when writing copy?
  20. Do I need to do the pictures as well as write the words?
  21. What’s the difference between a copywriter, content writer, blogger and article writer?
  22. What is SEO and why do I need to know it?
  23. Do I have to be techie to be an SEO copywriter?
  24. I’ve finished a copywriting course – what do I do now?
  25. I’m terrified of approaching a client – how do I get started?
  26. I feel like an impostor pretending to be a copywriter – will this feeling ever wear off?
  27. What’s a lead magnet and why is everyone talking about them?
  28. What is the best hosting company to use for my website?
  29. What’s a creative rationale and why do I need one?
  30. When should I hire my first staff member?
  31. What’s a CRM and what’s the best one to get?
  32. I want to build an online course – what’s the best platform to use?
  33. What’s the difference between an art director and a graphic designer?
  34. Do I need insurance – professional indemnity and public liability?
  35. What do I do if I don’t have insurance but I get work with the government or the council?
  36. Should I put my pricing on my website?
  37. Can someone give me feedback on my work before I present it?
  38. What’s a website audit? Where can I get one from and how can I use it?
  39. Should I charge for briefings?
  40. Can someone help me pick the best headline?
  41. How do I find paid work?
  42. How do I find volunteer work experience?
  43. Should I give up my full time job to start my copy business or wait until I have some clients?
  44. How many times should I follow up with a client?
  45. When do I give up on a client?
  46. Should I market my services globally or start local?
  47. Do I need a marketing degree to be a copywriter?

If you’d like to get answers to questions like this, then the answer is clear.  

Join Copy Club.

Ready to join Copy Club?

Imagine the momentum you’ll gain when you can get access to quality coaching whenever you need it.

Imagine how quickly you’ll see success when nothing is holding you back.

Where else you can go on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and get detailed questions like these answered? 

There’s never been a better time to launch your own copywriting business. With job uncertainty at its highest, everyone needs to develop their entrepreneurial skills. That’s why we’ve put this copywriting community together. We know that people need tactical information and strategic insights RIGHT NOW to build their copywriting businesses, develop sales, get online ASAP and start turning their passion for words into wealth.

Why spend 20 years to figure this out on your own? You can gain access to proven knowledge, learning, templates and systems whenever you need.

Join Copy Club and get direct access to Bernadette, and her (big) black book of contacts and watch your copywriting business soar sky high.


Q: What’s the best pathway to take when starting out in the world of copywriting?
All our courses are self-contained and can be completed as stand-alone courses. But if you’re keen to really explore the world of copy fully, here is the order in which we recommend you do them:

  1. Copywriting Essentials
  2. How to Build a Successful Freelance Copywriting Business
  3. SEO Copywriting

Copy Club can support you alongside these courses with some monthly motivation and networking opportunities or if you've been freelancing for a while and you're craving some guidance and strategies to accelerate your business. It's also a great place to start if you'd like to get a taste of copywriting life before joining an in-depth course.

Q: What's the difference between Copy Club and the other copywriting courses at AWC? Which should I do first?
Copy Club is a community of copywriters, new and experienced. It’s a place to connect, find collaborators, get feedback and grow your skills. It’s not a specific course, it’s a membership program. While you’ll access a range of great micro-courses and professional tutorials, it’s equally a place to hang out, connect and learn.

Our other copywriting courses are dedicated, intensive modular courses that cover specific skill sets. They are structured courses delving deeper into core topics that every copywriter needs to master before they can realistically and practically start writing copy. 

Q: When should I join Copy Club?
Anytime. Copy Club is open to everyone, new and experienced. You can join before you enrol in a course to learn more and see if the copywriting life is for you. Or you can enrol in a course first to build your confidence and skillset, and then enrol in Copy Club.

For best results, we recommend you enrol in one of our courses first, and then join us in Copy Club to keep that motivation firing.

Q: I've already completed a range of copywriting courses. Will I learn anything new in Copy Club?
You bet. But first, well done you! You’ve demonstrated great commitment already by completing one or more of our courses. But as you now know, there’s so, so much more to learn.   

While our courses are comprehensive, copywriting is a lifelong skill. As such, it takes time to learn it all. Being part of Copy Club gives you access to the resources you need to shift up a gear and gives you the contacts and community to maintain your momentum.

Q: How can I join Copy Club?
We offer two membership payment options. Select to pay for your first 12 months upfront OR choose the monthly payment plan (for a 12-month minimum commitment). Both options include the same membership benefits and access – so you can pick the one that suits you best.

After your first 12 months in Copy Club, your membership continues at $65 per month, cancel anytime.

Membership Now Open

  • A Copy Club membership is $65 per month for a minimum of 12 months OR an upfront payment of $699 for the first 12 months.
  • After your first 12 months, your membership continues at $65 per month, cancel anytime.
Key information
Key information:


$65 per month
12-month commitment


$699 for the first year

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