Natasha Granath 2 years ago

I've been using Scrivener for years and love it but realised I was only using some of the functions of it.

This course was great. I didn't realise how many cool functions Scrivener had that I wasn't using! Very easy to follow and I could amend my Scrivener project as I went along, while watching the videos, using two screens.

I have colour coded all my scenes, can now use the cork board for what it was intended for, and the outline functions are really useful for seeing where I'm up to in my manuscript. Also the Linguistic Focus tool was a revelation for seeing when you've gone overboard on adverbs, adjectives or dialogue.

Excellent courses, good online platform and quality teachers.

Kate Feher 3 years ago

Such clear instructions delivered with a pleasant manner. I will be able to organise my work in a much more accessible way.

If Scrivener interests you and you think it would help you organise your writing, resources and photos, this course will confirm that with practice, it will help you become more organised and able to keep track of all the threads of your stories.

Michelle Wills 3 years ago

While doing the Novel Writing Essentials course, other students recommended Scrivener. I had never heard about it before. I was curious, but was frightened it would take too long to learn. Fortunately I was told about this course on the AWC site and thought it would be worthwhile to at least investigate it.

I would really recommend you mention this course to everyone who enrols in Novel Writing Essentials. I wish I had known about it earlier! The course is presented so well. Thank you!

I enjoyed the hands-on approach. I am glad I can go back to it over 12 months as well, as I am sure I will forget things. Hopefully after using it for 12 months I will become competent.

As my novel got larger, Word was so cumbersome! I love the way everything in Scrivener is at my fingertips. Even my research! I am now finding it easier to write!

Do the Scrivener course before starting any large piece of writing. For a two hours commitment it will save many, many hours when you start your novel! The course is written so well, even people frightened of learning new software will find it so easy!

Wendy Rudge 3 years ago

Natasha was clear, methodical in her teaching and didn't go too fast. I was able to follow her instructions and able to take notes at the same time.

I can see it is going to short cut my 'faffing about' time. It provides me more structure and I think makes the whole process easier and more efficient. I am chomping at the bit to get started (or actually restarted LOL).

If you're trying to learn Scrivener on your own, you'll never get out of the product as much or as quickly than via this tutorial. Before I did this tutorial it was like using a Thermomix to only heat up water. With this tutorial you'll be baking three course meals in a fraction of the time.

Jo Grofski 3 years ago

As I went through the course, I could easily see how Scrivener can be used for both fiction and non-fiction. So very happy with that.

The instructions were easy to follow, and Nastasha's voice was easy to listen to. Enough information to get started without getting confused.

I can now get all my notes out of Word and Evernote and into Scrivener. No excuses for procrastination!

Just get writing!

Rob Leonard 3 years ago

It took more than 2 hours (I'm a slow learner!), but I can now use Scrivener with confidence.

The presenter is a writer, so she understands our needs. Her presentation is also very clear and easy to follow.

I am now using Scrivener and it's helping me keep on track with my writing. It has become a 'treat' to open the program!

Joanne Van Raaphorst 3 years ago

My daughter gave me Scrivener as a Christmas present, but I had no idea how to use it. However, the tutorial that comes with the software was huge, and the simplicity of this course was an attractive alternative.

I can now use Scrivener with confidence. It means I can now have photos of the scenes I'm writing, right where I can see them, as I write. This is something I found lacking in Word.

AWC has a course on every aspect of writing; there's something there for everyone.

Bev Murrill 3 years ago

I appreciated the clarity of the lecturer and the way in which she demonstrated everything more than once, along with good explanations. She knows her stuff. Good PowerPoints and worksheets.

It will help me use Scrivener more effectively which should have a good ongoing effect on my writing.

Effie Katrakazos 3 years ago

My manuscript was a total mess. This course has shown me how to create some order into my chapters and scenes with a much better workflow.

Anne Farrell 3 years ago

Natasha is a clear and interesting presenter. She distilled the core features of Scrivener down to the parts that a writer will most benefit from. The videos and handout content were perfect for my needs.

I have been using Scrivener for a while, albeit not especially well, and I discovered several additional features that are available. What I learned through this course will greatly improve how effectively I use this powerful software.

Natasha's description of how to use the cork-board (in its various views) will help me see my novel as a whole so I can see and improve its structure more easily. This is a game-changer for me.

In each video, Natasha highlighted something I hadn't known before - things that would have taken me way too long to try to figure out on my own.

If you want to be a better writer, the best place to start is at the Australian Writers' Centre. There is a massive range of courses that cover different interests and capabilities, so there is something for everyone. I've done about half a dozen courses now, and each one has fired up my enthusiasm and taught me a bunch of new skills. The content is solid and all the tutors are experienced writers who are knowledgeable and generous with their feedback and support. Discovering the AWC has been one of the best things that's happened to me in the past 12 months.

Alison Kuen 3 years ago

I had purchased this course some time ago but never got around to viewing it! However, now I have some projects that I want to start, I felt it was the best time.

Natasha was fantastic! She made it so easy to follow. I really enjoyed how she explained the different features of Scrivener and showed how they work using examples from her own projects.

This course is brilliant! In two hours, I learned so much. I am really inspired to use Scrivener for my writing projects in 2021.

Johanna Baker-Dowdell 3 years ago

I had used Scrivener previously but found I struggled with the functionality so knew I needed direction from an expert. I liked that I had access for a year so I could do the course when I was ready.

Natasha is a great tutor and clearly knows her stuff when it comes to Scrivener (and writing)!

I enjoyed the fact that it was geared towards writers. I tried to use it for an academic project previously and did not enjoy it until I could see how it worked for me creatively.

I can see the corkboard explanation will be valuable for me as I write in a messy way. Natasha showed how I can do that and then organise afterwards.

AWC has writing courses and writing tools that cut through to the nitty-gritty of actually doing the writing.

Naomi Shippen 3 years ago

I wanted to use Scrivener to set up my second novel from the start. This course offered the overview I needed to use Scrivener to best advantage. I thought I should be able to work Scrivener out for myself using free information online. However, I knew that AWC would deliver the comprehensive course I needed and save me time in having to work things out for myself.

At first, I was concerned that Scrivener may be somewhat prescriptive and would inhibit the creative process of writing a novel. I have been pleasantly surprised that seeing the plot of my novel mapped out in front of me actually makes the creative process much easier and more enjoyable. After doing the course in full, I can easily dip back into it when I need to troubleshoot any concerns as they arise. I am so glad that I did this course as it is already making it easier to write my second novel.

Natasha Lester has an easy and engaging style of teaching and is a pleasure to listen to. The course is broken down into easy to follow pieces that you can tailor to suit your needs.

Having a bird's eye view of my novel has enabled me to plan it properly from the start. It is very easy to move scenes and chapters around as I need to and the colour coding enables me to balance point of view and identify major plot points. Structure and formula can actually help the creative process, rather than hinder it.

Two Hours to Scrivener Power is a great investment of your time and money. It is a comprehensive, easy to follow course that will set you up with the tools you need to complete your project on Scrivener.

Adam Bridges 3 years ago

I’ve been using Scrivener for a while but I felt like I’d been using it inefficiently. I was looking for a guide and found this course.

The pace of the course was done just at the right pace. Didn’t condescend but also wasn’t complicated.

I feel more confident using Scrivener which means I should be able to spend more time writing rather than worrying if I’m pressing the wrong button.

This course will give you the confidence to use Scrivener effectively so you can concentrate on writing.

Sandra Findlay 3 years ago

What a clear, concise and well-presented course it was. Natasha repeated things that were important and she spoke clearly and in a way that made it easy to understand.

I like the idea of the corkboard and I like the way you can just write random scenes without worrying about layout until later. I'm really keen to get writing now.

Also I purchased this course a while ago and then my computer crashed. Now with a new computer I listened to the course again. I love the fact that I could revisit the course, and I will probably continue to do this until my 12 months are up!

... Scrivener is so useful for writing ... it is very much worth taking time to get to know the program to get the most out of it. Basically as my Dad always said, 'Read the instructions'.

Margaret Wieringa 3 years ago

It's very nice to know how to use some of the features before plunging into a project.

VM Ryan 3 years ago

I have had this software for a while but never really used it. I really wanted to try to figure out whether it would be useful or a better way for me to write.

This course was a great introduction to the software. It was really well presented and simplified the whole process of using the program in such a way that I could just jump in and start work.

I love the sections on cork board, outlining and labelling. It's a great way to organise things. In the past the greatest barriers to writing for me has been organisation.

Great course, easy to enrol, well organised content.

Nicole Sheridan 3 years ago

I had been using Scrivener for a couple of years for very basic organisation of my scenes, chapters and character POV. I knew there was more to it - but the manual is unwieldy and complicated.

I enjoyed being able to see the video and work on my document at the same time.

A very informative and user-friendly course. I learnt a lot!

Fiona Taylor 3 years ago

The course gave me confidence to use Scrivener and the tools to use it immediately. I had downloaded Scrivener a couple of years ago but gave up because it all seemed so hard. Natasha's tuition has allowed me to import my novel, set it up properly and I feel so much more confident going forward.

Natasha's instructions are clear and concise. I liked that I could pause the tuition, go to Scrivener and apply what I had just learned, and then return to the course for the next instruction.

I have always wanted to use Scrivener but I found it hard going on my own to learn everything. I kept thinking that it would be better to spend the time writing, not learning new software. I had downloaded a free copy two years ago, but just found it difficult to learn enough basics to start using it. I don't write sequentially, so I knew that Word wasn't the best choice for me. Taking a workshop with Natasha, I liked her teaching style so decided to purchase Scrivener again as well as Two Hours to Scrivener Power.

The course was professional, interesting, and value for money. The resources were useful to refer to later, and I learned so much in just two hours.


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