Annmarie Scott 1 year ago

Though I had edited my own short stories and poems for publication before, I was unsure how to move forward with editing a longer chapter book manuscript, that had grown organically and was in need of a structural edit. Now I have a dot point plan to work through.

Kate is highly engaging and engaged with the world of story. Generous in sharing her experience, content knowledge and craft expertise.

Though I wasn't sure whether the 'online' experience could match the 'in-person', I decided to dive on in because it was a 'live' session format. In hindsight, the small class size was definitely a plus, as were the professional course materials, ready for download.

In addition to excellent structural editing information, interspersed with snippets of 'mentor text'...I found listening to Kate discuss projects with each participant (all being at the stage of a manuscript 'completion') a valuable experience. The small group 'live' format made this enjoyable.

The AWC is a professional, well organised bunch, running engaging creative writing sessions for writers. No matter what stage of the journey, you're bound to find a course to inspire.

Jenny Wilson 1 year ago

Kate was extremely knowledgeable and was very generous with her advice.

I enjoyed learning about the writing process from an accomplished and successful author and seeing how she goes about the plotting/planning process.

It has given me a deeper appreciation of how important the nuances of writing are to building and maintaining dramatic tension. Accepting that clear plotting is everything!

Merinda Young 1 year ago

Kate Forsyth is a legend in the craft of storytelling, and I knew I needed help with my beautiful, chaotic mess of words.

Kate was a delight. Her information was structured so that I could apply it to my manuscript and develop a plan (and practice) for moving forward. Her experience and passion were inspiring and helpful.

On the first night, Kate listened to us explain our projects then, with laser focus, she indicated the areas we each needed assistance with. Throughout the sessions, Kate was able to pinpoint each student's issues and focus our work. Kate truly is the story doctor. She could see our symptoms, make a diagnosis, then apply the appropriate treatment. The small size of the class was great, and I learned from the other students also.

I feel equipped to finish my current work in progress. Also, I have skills to apply to my next manuscript.

Natalie Taylor (Stojanovski) 1 year ago

Kate is extraordinary, inspirational, knowledgeable and a joy to learn from. My writing would have stagnated or eaten itself from within without her. I am immensely grateful and inspired.

I enjoyed meeting other authors just like me, and learning something new from Kate every time I do one of her courses.

DO THE COURSE - NOW! It's overwhelming, it's fabulous but you will be so very glad you did and your manuscript and writing will thank you!

Pauline Bryan 2 years ago

I'm a novice writer who had completed a final draft. I needed to know how to tighten my writing and make it attractive to readers. The course information AWC provided for The Story Doctor ticked all the boxes for what I was looking for.

The tutor was enthusiastic and magnetic in the online class - this is not something everyone can do. The tutor's facilitation style, for me, was like listening to a friend. The words of support and encouragement given, though not specifically directed to me, still found their way into my psyche to calm the doubts I have about the value of my writing.

It was all about the tutor having exceptional writing skill and knowledge, coupled with the ability to engage every participant in the online platform. There was no pressure to participate, but the tutor was able to relate the teachings to each student's writing. The examples provided were relatable, as were the exercises.

Thank you for the work you do and the opportunities you offer. I have suggested to my writing friends that they explore the courses offered by AWC, as there is bound to be something that will be just what they need.

Natalie Taylor 3 years ago

This course exceeded my already high expectations! As always, Kate was a gracious, expert host and trainer. Kate shares her experiences and knowledge freely and with immense kindness and grace, she learns about your work and issues and addresses concerns and questions with ease. Amazing level of knowledge and interest as well as provision of information, insight and practical advice on the art of editing.

Every course I do with Kate changes my mind, my writing and my world as I leave it feeling a little terrified by the workload ahead but inspired and encouraged to embrace it to achieve it.

Kate is immensely kind and generous with her time, insight and advice. She leaves no one out, is never critical only constructive in a positive way. So you're not afraid to ask the 'duh' question and always get a gracious and expert answer. The materials were useful - as with previous Kate/AWC courses I will refer back to them time and time again. Everything leads to learning skills to identify issues or problems with your manuscript and doing your first edit and second draft.

If you want to learn how to write better and meet other aspiring and successful writers, this is the course and writing organisation for you!

Thank you - great quality content, expertly delivered by an awe-inspiring, exceptional writer.

Karen Bowers 3 years ago

Amazing - Kate is so knowledgeable and generous with sharing her expertise. I enjoyed the group dynamic, Kate's slides and handouts. The sessions were really interesting and engaging.

I have a better understanding about how to actually do a structural edit.

Anna Thomson 3 years ago

Kate was exceptionally generous and very helpful. Professional, knowledgeable, kind and constructive.

I enjoyed the focus on each separate step of novel construction and editing. I had a bit of an epiphany as a result of session two on the nuts and bolts structure of my novel and what I needed to change. And also discussion of the novel with Kate, which was both encouraging and realistic.

A great big thank you to Kate! It was a brilliant course. I've been waiting to do it for two years and it was everything I had hoped for and more.

TJ Edwards 3 years ago

Kate Forsyth is a career author and this gives her words and methods weight. I'd also heard countless great things about the course and seen Kate talk on many occasions.

Kate is not only extremely knowledgeable but overwhelmingly generous with her time. She was very honest and upfront with her opinions and feedback, but this allowed us to trust her more. I enjoyed Kate as a presenter and how well the notes were laid out.

Even while participating in NaNoWriMo, I've found my latest draft to be cleaner already and both chapters start much better than I usually would have. Also, paying attention to voice (both narrative and character) is making the story have a lot more of an impact.

This course is a must for people such as myself who don't have a writing background or experience with an editor.

Thus far I've taken a number of courses face-to-face, at my own pace, and via zoom, and all of them were tremendous value for money with some truly experienced and professional authors. If you're nervous about spending the money, start small and work your way up to the bigger, more intense courses!

Thanks folks for supporting authors in the way that you do. From the Podcast, to the Community, and obviously these classes taught by industry professionals and experts, I feel much closer to achieving my dream of becoming a published author than ever before.

Alison Jeffries 3 years ago

I find editing my own work difficult and I felt I needed to improve my skills.

I think Kate Forsyth is a wonderful teacher, wonderfully erudite and full of passion for the craft of writing.

I enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere, lots of handy info and practical tips. Beautiful visuals in the slides to support the learning material. And Kate is just a marvellous presenter.

I just feel more confident that I have some more tools available to assist me when I get lost in the process. I like the way Kate reminded us how to think about literary techniques and apply them to our own work.

Fantastic presenters, relevant and practical information about the craft of writing.

Saffron Lombardo 3 years ago

Kate was warm, welcoming and informative. She answered all questions and helped to inspire me to keep going but on a more informed path.

I was struggling with how to keep pace and move forward. Kate really cleared the path with structure, making a clear line forward on how to fix my novel in practical ways. She also opened up a new way in how I look at the actual words in a sentence, scene, story.

I highly recommend this course if you have come to a point where you know you have a good story but are stuck on how to move forward. Very inspirational.


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