John McAdam 2 years ago

It has illuminated so much about how to structure my novel and given me the confidence to go forward. I think the course was pretty perfect for what I was after.

You can clearly see how all the modules follow on from each other and work together to give a clear understanding of the structure of a novel as a whole.

Hayley Antolos 2 years ago

I have heard all sorts of tips and tricks for structuring stories - but the vast amount of information has always overwhelmed me. I was looking for one central course to simplify things whilst digging deep into each method.

I appreciated that additional information on topics such as character-building were still offered where they were relevant to story structure, giving you a little more than what was promised. That was a nice surprise!

I feel that I am now able to apply structures to books and films I see and read. The course has solidified my understanding of story structure and going forward I believe what I have learnt will flow naturally into my outlining and writing processes.

Great way to expand your knowledge of 'writerly' terms and processes - gives you the broad scope but delves deep into the important bits. Will definitely be purchasing more courses as I need them in future.

Ivan Ballin 2 years ago

I was already submitting entries to AWC Furious Fiction, and it dawned on me that I needed help. A friend suggested I investigate the courses offered by AWC. That's the first realisation - an epiphany if you like.

I didn't become a registered nurse (actually a midwife) by just dreaming about it. I had to take action and do the work on myself, to acquire the skills that enabled me to act and become proficient and professional. Learning a new skill is no different.

There were little surprises in every module. I was unprepared for the joy that flooded over me as I heard about narrative tension. I had no idea such a process as "building narrative tension" existed. Before, it was like trying to build a house without a hammer!

I think the length and content of this course was highly satisfying to me, and I am now looking forward to the next course - Fiction Essentials: Characters. I know I am going to develop even more as a writer with Pamela Freeman's tutelage.

I will never be able to write again without the consciousness of building narrative tension and POV characters pervading my thoughts. The advice I received in this course about those topics alone was worth the asking price. The rest of it is a bonus.

This has made my writing "come alive" again and I am keen to get into it once more, because as any writer knows, it's a buzz to bring a story to life. My characters are telling me - "Thanks for showing the real me in this story." Now I won't disappoint them.

AWC is more than a one-stop-shop for writers and budding writers. No matter what stage of your writing career you are at, AWC can take you to the next level. I find that the courses are fairly priced and easily accessible online. It is clear that there is real caring behind this business. The AWC team love what they do, and clearly share in the pleasure of seeing all writers enjoy the craft of creative writing.

No matter the genre, there is a course for you and a tutor standing by to bring you to a professional standard. Takeaway point - don't hesitate.

Cara Bloomfield 2 years ago

There was just so much more to structure than I thought there was. I actually know what a structure is now and have a better understanding of tension and the like.

Leanne Margaret 2 years ago

AWC courses are well structured, making it easy to complete studies in writing; without becoming overwhelmed. This is my fourth AWC course. It's become an addiction now!

The course has made it easier for me to see my 'big picture' manuscript, at a time when I was feeling bogged down in story details. I feel like I have the skills to move on with a major structural edit of my book.

Early in the course, we were looking at different types of structure. I realised that the life events depicted in my memoir seemed to contain an organic structure, that mirrored elements of the three-act structure, as well as the hero's journey. These structures mirror the human story, because the human story is where these structures originated.

I would say that AWC courses are a really easy way to develop professional writing skills, one step at a time. Courses are structured so that writers can focus on specific areas, as they're needed. They're enjoyable, as well as rewarding. You even get a certificate! Once you do one, you'll want another.

Cherie Corbett-Jones 3 years ago

Structure has always been the thing I've struggled with most in how to put a story together, so this course seemed heaven sent!

I feel much more comfortable with structure now, though a little scared about the multi-book story idea I have banging around my head. But I feel I now have the tools to successfully structure a story.

I enjoyed learning about the different types of structure and the multi-book structure as well as the art of working in sub-plots and their purpose.

I now feel like I can structure a novel, something I've been trying to do for ages!

Don't hesitate, sign up today and get writing. You won't regret it.

Catherine Marshall 3 years ago

The course has clarified the way I should approach constructing my next novel.

I enjoyed the flexibility of access to material. Being able to switch back and forth between audio and information on the screen.

An excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn to write but isn't sure where to start.

Madeline Te Whiu 3 years ago

I realised structure was one of my weak points and I wanted to work on it before going back and redrafting my manuscript. I have done previous courses with AWC so I knew the content would be helpful and informative.

I feel more confident going forward now in redrafting my manuscript and planning the rest of my series.

Taryn Lindsay 3 years ago

Knowing that my completed 145K word novel needed some structure, some editing, and some refinement, I sought to know how to say everything well and with fewer words to make it publishable. I can take criticism and want to know how to improve, and want to do everything I can before giving it out to beta readers. The price was affordable, and the self-pacing made it do-able, as the tutored course I would have chosen was fully booked, and not suited to my work hours.

Whether or not I would have read the same or similar content elsewhere made me wonder if it would be money well-spent, but it was definitely well-spent, and I have advised my writers group friends to take AWC courses on. Sometimes hearing words spoken by a teacher opens ideas differently to just reading them.

I also wondered if I'd be up to the task, but knowing I had a year and was very motivated made me realise it was do-able.

I'm very grateful for the voice of Valerie, as she's easy to listen to and speaks well. Tuning in to her tutorials puts me in a 'work' mindset, and when I listened to a podcast recently, I could feel myself tune in to her words. I'm looking forward to hearing more of her in the next course.

I'm so grateful, as well, for the multitude of topics to choose from on the website, and can't wait to do other courses. I've already chosen the next one, and am saving up for a possible third.

I'm very grateful for the 12 months access, and also to be able to download content. It's so helpful to be able to refer back!

Most enjoyable is hearing the things I haven't heard, read, or learned before, and of course that's not always something that can be pinpointed. It won't stand out because everyone hears something different. I enjoyed the simplicity, the handouts, the humour, and the sensibility of it. It's actually very practical, and very plainly put. Doing the handouts and filling in the worksheets is very telling, and also a very enjoyable process. I love the review process and the editing insight.

The course has been refining things I knew about but didn't know how to apply. I've been writing for almost twenty years, but have been reminded that 'just write' is still the best way to get it done, and that there are not always single 'right' formulas, and that arriving at a solid endpoint can happen in different ways depending on technique. The main thing is being encouraged! I liked the focused learning. You guys have put a lot of time in, and it feels very complete. It's worth doing this course.

Don't think about. Just do it. Get online and choose a course TODAY. Suck up your pride or fear or worry, and go for the jugular. Choose the course that you feel fits your weakest link, and TAKE IT. You won't regret it. After all, everything helps, right? You will grow, and love the process.

Kim Robyn Smith 3 years ago

The course reinforced some of the scenes in my writing that I was doubtful about. It helped me improve with character building. I now need to include some other aspects about major characters that are currently missing.

A worthwhile course for tips and pitfalls. Easy to navigate modules. Good value for money and generous timeframe to complete.

Helena Rawlins 3 years ago

I knew I had a structure problem. What I didn't know was how to pinpoint exactly where the structure fell down, and how to fix it. Now I do know how to find the structural faults and fix them. In fact, I have done so in my book. Thanks!

Tegan Hamilton 3 years ago

Extremely comprehensive and great for getting you thinking about different aspects of the writing craft and how it can be applied to current and future works.


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