Louise Harper 1 day ago

Having done a Professional Writing degree many years ago, I wasn't sure whether this course would be too basic, but I actually found it really helpful and gained a lot of inspiration (and it was a bit of a refresher course for things I'd forgotten, or hadn't considered in years). I was also a little concerned about meeting the assignment requirements, having not done any study in a number of years. But everything was explained really well and I actually entered the assignment phase of each module knowing what was required and with some excitement about producing something and meeting the brief.

Pamela gave great and useful feedback in a really respectful way. I'm definitely keen to put her advice into practice and keep writing. I might even do another of the AWC courses down the track.

I enjoyed that each module was doable in the time frame, with extra exercises, handouts and a short assignment. I was actually really looking forward to each week's offering being 'dropped' and I didn't lose momentum at all. I also liked that, through the exercises, I got an idea that I intend to run with and see where it leads.

I'm raring to go - with some semblance of a plan to go forwards (I've had a lot of ideas in the past, but feel I now have 'direction' with which to shape my ideas).

Elizabeth Ralph 2 days ago

It's enjoyable and worth the time and money. It's a good springboard for more writing. Five weeks goes too fast!

Nat is knowledgeable. Her feedback was meaningful and helpful. She highlighted writing conventions and tips for better writing within participants' writing assignments. She was also always kind and encouraging.

Writing doesn't need to be a lonely pursuit; there are tools and community one can reach out to.

Nimandra Gunasekera 1 week ago

I had been wanting to do a course like this for a long time so when I found this particular course, I knew it would work for me. I am so glad I enrolled.

I have seen an improvement in my writing after following Nat's feedback which was always constructive.

I hadn't been writing regularly and this course made me write every week which I am hoping to keep doing. I also enjoyed reading the work of others, giving feedback and also receiving feedback from others on my own writing.

It has reminded me how much I enjoy the creative process of constructing a story. The characters that live in my head may find a home now.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the course. I would recommend it to anyone who is wanting to take the next step in their writing, whether they're just starting out or have a half-written novel.

Alex Swan 1 week ago

Nat provided excellent feedback and was very helpful. The audio coursework had some great tips and I learnt a lot. I also really enjoyed getting some proper feedback on my writing.

I found I needed to do a lot more work on developing my characters, which really helped with my writing. I have also made a whole heap of changes to how I was writing descriptions, dialogue etc based on the coursework modules. I needed to think more about smell and sound and touch. My writing was very focused on what you could see.

I found this course really helpful for the work I was doing on my novel. I plan to do more courses with the Australian Writers' Centre so I can keep improving!

Joanna Rijs 1 week ago

Loved the tutor. Gave really good constructive feedback. Had her own personal opinions on the pieces so didn't sound rehearsed or robotic. Her passion showed in every video.

I enjoyed the assessments. Breaking down the writing to its basics and slowly building it up to a full scene.

I got a lot out of the week 3 assignment, the visualisation in which we imagined ourselves thoroughly in the scene before writing. I will be using that constantly going forward.

I've already recommended this course to others. I've said it is a great way to re-ignite writing passion, and that it's motivated me to properly get cracking on my writing.

Thanks to Nat, she was great :)

Jessica Watts 1 week ago

I loved this course. Nat Newman is fantastic and her feedback was very beneficial for me.

I have learned so much that I will be taking away with me. It's the perfect course for someone looking to get into writing but don't know where to start.

Susanna Ots-Maher 1 week ago

I enjoyed the push to write in the form of assignments. It always gave quite a buzz to produce them. Also, the writing craft knowledge that came with the lectures and Valerie's conversational, almost confiding style.

Jo provided a great balance between both positive and constructive feedback. She was quite tactful in providing constructive feedback, which obviously can be hard to hear when you're not used to it. I liked that she encouraged us to maximise our benefit from the course and listen to everyone's feedback.

I feel very inspired and encouraged to continue developing my craft and to have a go at some short story contests.

Mairead Finn 1 week ago

The structure of the course is very suitable for people with a busy life. The course instructor encouraged and motivated us to take this time and enjoy which also provided extra motivation to take time out during the week to focus on something for just myself.

I enjoyed the weekly exercises (although I missed my last one). Having a set task each week kept me on track and up to date.

It encouraged me to take time out for myself each week and not feel guilty.

Definitely worth it for both very amateur and experienced writers. Having an independent person evaluate and give feedback on your style is invaluable.

Anne Hassett 1 month ago

I found Nat very balanced in the way she approached feedback for our assignments, combining encouragement with constructive criticism and always finding a special detail that she praised.

I enjoyed having the process of writing fiction unpacked and presented in basic modules the novice writer can get their head around. The combination of great audio sessions, written exercises and assignments was very user friendly. Whether I can incorporate all the information provided into my own writing seems daunting, but I'm encouraged by the course's mantra of 'just keep writing'.

Having attempted a novel I now realise was very uncooked, as the audio presenter so succinctly described most submitted manuscripts, I've put that away and will explore my next plot idea with the skills I hope this course has provided me with.

I had this fantasy that a novel could grow 'organically' as I stared at the computer and the words a publisher would love just appeared. I now know better!

A great introduction to writing fiction 101. I would also suggest attempting some kind of fiction writing before undertaking the course. I've found looking back at my attempts after listening to the audio sessions more constructive than if I hadn't made such appalling mistakes.

The AWC is an amazing writing resource. It's great to have access to the audio sessions for a period of time as there is so much to absorb from them.

Tracy McAllery 1 month ago

Pamela's feedback was terrific and very clear in her suggestions.

I enjoyed actually writing something and reading the group's submissions. I didn't expect to work as hard as I did, but that's a good thing. I enjoyed having to think differently.

In the way I approach a possible story, I think more about the small details and where they may take a story.

It's worth it just for the great feedback.

Brianna Gough 1 month ago

Thoroughly enjoyed the materials, handouts and exercises. They were provocative and great for building skills and understanding the purpose for scenes to exist. The homework, whilst challenging, helped me really start to develop scenes in my head for my story.

Petronella was wonderful. Always supportive of our work.

It's the best thing I've done to develop my writing skills and tools to write a good novel. I feel like I'm now equipped with the tools to start my first draft!

Sara 1 month ago

The tutor was encouraging and made relevant suggestions regarding repetitions in the writing, the use of POV and ways to improve it. She also pointed out what worked well, which was a nice validation.

I enjoyed the extra writing exercises, the range of the weekly written posts, and encouragement.

It impacted my understanding of pacing and building up tension, as well as allowing time/space to examine settings and emotions. I also found that the feedback sessions provided an incentive to present my work and the curiosity about others' stories.

The prompts got me inspired and my insight was that each one has the potential to generate a moving scene.

I found the course informative, thorough, and dense enough to fill at least a year (or a lifetime) with putting the how and what into practice. And that's okay since I can revise and integrate the course's info in my own time while writing my bit, or my masterpiece.

Thanks for your encouragement that something is bound to happen as long as we get our act together and write.

Mary dos Santos 1 month ago

AWC courses are always of a high standard. Creative Writing Stage 1 was not only informative, it provided practical exercises and useful teaching across a variety of pertinent topics for beginner writers.

Excellent timely feedback and good advice.

It has added to my knowledge and given me greater impetus to write. Thank you!

The AWC is a highly professional organisation devoted to the real needs of writers everywhere and in all fields. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Just give it a try.

Helena Zafiris 1 month ago

I loved the feedback. It was very thorough and it seemed like Jo really took the time to provide valuable insights and actionable suggestions.

I loved the lessons as I was able to listen in my own time.

I am going to continue on my learning journey and I'm a little more confident now.

The AWC has a great variety of courses that are manageable. You can choose to invest small amounts instead of outlaying for a big course that you're not certain you will like.

Georgia Cox 1 month ago

Our tutor was excellent! She provided some great feedback. I loved the assignments and the feedback we got. I also loved the extra exercises each week to develop our skills further.

I am now more motivated and I feel like I can actually write.

It is a great course to dip your toes in to writing and to see if you like writing.

Helen Blunden 1 month ago

I looked forward to every module, the assignment and the work sheets. I learned a lot of new things I wasn't aware about.

The tutor was fantastic. Very detailed and approachable. I liked how she provided such in-depth feedback and I listened to every session for every person's feedback. She was also encouraging.

I enjoyed listening to the podcasts while going for my walk and getting ideas for my assignment.

Jennifer Anderson 1 month ago

I really thought it was so valuable, the feedback was really helpful, and connecting with some of the students offline was an added bonus.

The tutor was great. I liked her approach, direct but also very supportive and encouraging.

I'm feeling more courageous, and like I can really write a book/s as I've always wanted to.

There really is no hard and fast rule to begin a book. I've always sat and been stuck because I've thought I had to begin at the beginning, and now I realise I can start anywhere really - just start though!

The course is helpful and just helps you get your act together and write! I also think it is very reasonably priced for a 5 week, and tutor led course.

Thank you, and especially to Margaret who I thought was great and her feedback was relatable and she was inclusive and considerate.

Nicholas Sue See 2 months ago

The course was originally a way to flex my creative muscles for the first time in a long while. As it progressed, it also helped me develop a few ideas that popped into my head as well.

I was worried it would be too daunting or overwhelming but I found it to be a good amount of work. Enough to be engaged but not so much that I felt intimidated.

I found the spread of topics really fantastic and feel that everything I would want to be covered WAS. I didn't complete all of the assignments but feel I still had a fantastic experience and want to continue in the future when my life clears up a little bit.

Petronella was fantastic. She was engaging and constructive in really helpful ways.

I found the handouts and bonus activity printouts to be especially helpful and thorough in practice. I also enjoyed getting to hear assignment feedback.

It has reignited my creativity and has helped me come up with story and character ideas that I'm excited to explore.

It is beginner-friendly enough to be welcoming and not intimidating while at the same time being really in-depth and well-rounded topic-wise.

Samantha 2 months ago

Nat did a great job of giving objective feedback and providing some really useful tips and tricks.

I enjoyed the assignments and realising I can still write.

I'm now clearer which genres I prefer to read (and to write). I also have realised that I have many stories in me which seem to come from nowhere!

It's a great way to ease yourself into writing, even if you've never written before, and it will give you the confidence to continue after the course has finished.

Joanne Vernon 2 months ago

I've had a novel idea in my head for several years now with several half-hearted attempts to get it started. I recently made the decision to get serious and I knew that I had a lot to learn. I like how the course provides you with exercises and feedback, as well as the ability to progress and build on what you've learnt in further courses.

I found the feedback really helpful and encouraging, it's definitely helped with my confidence. It's also helped me to take some of the 'mystery' out of writing - there's key things to be mindful of when writing a scene, for example, to enhance the reader experience (and understanding!)

Jenny was wonderful, and consistently offered both encouragement and constructive feedback.

It's helped me to reaffirm my desire to write my novel, and helped me feel better about seeking out support with this.


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