What’s it like to learn with AWC?
Each year, thousands of students just like you achieve their writing goals through our courses and world-class presenters. Here they share how their new-found skills and confidence enriched their life.
I am in the process of editing my book, and I have my structure working for me. Now am editing at the scene level and I want my scenes to zing! My experience with Fiction Essentials: Structure gave me confidence this course would be excellent - and it was.
All the tips about what new writers often do and how to fix those mistakes were like gold dust scattered through the course - I recognised so many of those mistakes in my writing, and now I know what to watch for AND how to fix it!
I have just finished writing my novel on Scrivener and I wanted to check that I have included everything in my scenes that I needed to.
The Scenes course with AWC covered all aspects of writing scenes that help move the story along including character, pacing and setting. I now feel confident to edit my novel and ensure that all the scenes that make up the whole are earning their keep.
It's shown me in practical ways what I need to do to improve my writing. I had a gut feel before that, but this has highlighted specific ways I can improve. That's a relief.
Do it. It's a great resource to help write better.