Rachel Maher 3 years ago

From the moment I enrolled and began receiving the course notifications I felt very confident in the professionalism and organisation of the course material. As I work full-time, I was particularly appreciative of how clear each module's requirements were.

I thoroughly enjoyed the course. Now it's time to ensure I cement the wonderful learnings into my role.

I found Bernadette incredibly engaging and knowledgeable. Every week I looked forward to listening to her feedback for every single course participant because she always infused so much passion and value into her assessment feedback.

It was so well structured whilst giving the perfect amount of flexibility, allowing me to complete each week's module comfortably given I was working full-time.

I'm now approaching every piece of content I write in a very aware and strategic way.

The AWC is a brilliant, concise and well-organised online course provider - I thoroughly enjoyed the SEO copywriting course from start to finish. Thank you for a wonderful course.

Megan Daniher 3 years ago

This course has given me an extra boost of confidence in regards to copywriting as I can now include the SEO factor into my pitch for clients which is a huge plus.

I enjoy Bernadette’s courses. She is a great presenter and the content is all relevant and easy to understand. The feedback for the assignments is always very thorough and worth listening to comments on other people’s work as there are interesting points made and it’s good to see what other people are doing.

I got my first client during this course by being able to explain SEO and its importance to a new business. During the course I was speaking to someone who is starting a business and we were chatting about their website and reach into the market. I wasn't pitching but before I knew it, I ended up with a copywriting job for a new business in my industry with people I never really imagined I would be working with.

Elizabeth McClenaghan 3 years ago

This course actually got me excited about writing for SEO purposes, and helped me to see just how valuable it is for a business. It gave me practical skills that I can now take back to my employer and hopefully use to improve our SEO rankings and onsite traffic.

The course also helped me understand how valuable my skills are as a writer. Bernadette really has a way of making you feel important and needed and good about yourself for having these skills and for pursuing them further. In my experience, people don't always appreciate the value of good copy and can make you feel like your career choice was a waste.

Bernadette is obviously an expert in the field and gave excellent insight and feedback.

I was taking my learnings back to my manager and to my current role and I was able to point out things we should be doing and things we can do better, and he now calls me an "seo expert" even though I've only done this one course!

Emilie Deacon 3 years ago

Bernadette is excellent. I have learned so much both from the course content and the feedback. There was so much crammed in to learn.

Do it. Mad if you don't.

Jade Fernandes 3 years ago

The tutor was superb! I enjoyed the feedback and Bernadette's delivery style - she is very relatable, you feel like she is in the room!

I feel confident that I have found my new profession.

Bernadette commented that Copywriting is the perfect "fusion of art and science" and she also said that it's a good trade for someone who has done "a bit of this and that - Jack of all trades" which really resonated with me and where I am currently at.

The AWC is the best in the industry. Thank you!

Jocelyn Watts 3 years ago

This course not only covered what I wanted to know about SEO, but it also revealed other opportunities worth exploring. The tutor was excellent!

I enjoyed the wealth of information provided.

It's given me some direction on how to move forward with my website which has been in limbo since my husband died seven years ago. Working through the nuts and bolts of SEO revealed a focus for my website that's worth further investigation.

Learning about SEO copywiting is worth it, even if becoming a copywriter isn't your main goal. Having broad knowledge of the topic is valuable in many ways.

Nikki Dennis 3 years ago

Bernadette did a great job of opening my eyes to the world of SEO without being too technical and taking away from what I like best, the writing part.

I think Bernadette's approach was very friendly and informative. The course was full of practical info presented in a clear manner and demonstrated well with examples. Feedback was detailed and helpful.

It's really opened my eyes to the possibilities of a copywriting business. I've always liked writing, now I can hopefully make some more money from it!

The course has shown me how to create another revenue stream for my consulting business doing something I love.

Definitely go for it, you won't be disappointed.

Kathrin Allen 3 years ago

Bernadette Schwerdt is one of the most generous tutors I have had the privilege of learning under. Her ability to make the classes fun and informative is a real credit to her. The feedback provided was informative and well structured. I would take the opportunity to enrol in her future courses.

I enjoyed the fun we had with each other's submissions and Bernadette's stories. And the speed with which my copy improved, along with my confidence.

I now believe I have the tools I need to write well. To be able to write copy that people will enjoy reading. I now take the time to draft my material. I'm good at this!

The Australian Writers' Centre (AWC) has a wonderful website. Take a look for yourselves. The list of courses is amazing, and the online learning platform is the most user friendly I've experienced. Check it out and see what course resonates with you.

Just, thank you so much!

Tanya Enright-Kynoch 3 years ago

Bernadette is an engaging tutor with a wealth of knowledge.

Raylee Huggett 3 years ago

It was an area that I needed more training and experience in. I want to use this in my future writing.

I enjoyed researching the keywords and what worked best. I'm looking forward to going into more depth with this.

The course has tightened my writing and I've gained a better understanding of content keywords, H1, H2, etc.

Go for it - you will not regret doing their courses or reading their resources. I’m looking forward to doing more courses.

Charlotte Eldridge 3 years ago

I had completed the Copywriting Essentials course and really enjoyed it. This course was more in depth which I loved, and I like the teaching and course style.

The tutor was fantastic. Encouraging and constructive.

I enjoyed being able to get feedback. This has been hugely beneficial and just given me the right push to set up as a freelance copywriter. Thank you, Bernadette. I have the confidence to write! I have been provided with set formulas, tricks to help me if I am stuck and tools I can use that won't cost the world.

Nichole McCausland 3 years ago

I completed the Copywriting Essentials course and the SEO component lit my fire! I love Bernadette's approach and have enjoyed seeking her out on other platforms. I'm super keen to turn my writing into $$.

Keryn Curtis 3 years ago

I found the whole experience excellent. The content was dense and practical, delivered engagingly and professionally.

The tutor was extremely competent and professional and confidence-inspiring - as well as warm and engaging. It was all really engaging and strong. Using some of the tools was fun and kind of 'revelatory'. Likewise applying it in the exercises.

I was already halfway there but without the science or the tools. It was mostly instinct. I am doing the research, using the tools and sharpening up my writing now... and not leaving so much to chance.

AWC offers a combination of good intel/guidance and practical skills in writing - whether it's fiction, nonfiction, journalism or professional writing. In my experience the courses are well organised and crafted, with excellent teachers. And they are also affordable, well-paced and easy to fit into a busy life - a great way to learn new things and acquire practical new skills.

Kylie Wansink 3 years ago

Bernadette is a fantastic tutor, the course content was great, and the course went at the right pace. Bernadette was very positive and knowledgeable.

I enjoyed putting the learning into practice with the homework modules.

I have realised there are different ways to write. I have mainly written thematic reports in the past on specific industries and this SEO course has given me the ability and confidence to realise I can also write marketing copy and apply SEO. The use and placement of keywords is so powerful. Great course for online writers. Thank you!


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