Sharyn Swanepoel 1 year ago

It was so useful seeing how Natasha uses Scrivener in her own writing, to see practical examples of how it works. It was good to be able to see real examples of how it worked in writing an entire manuscript.

There were a few things I'd been wanting to do, but didn't realise how easy it was.

Scrivener is worth the learning process - and this is the easiest way to learn.

Arianne James 1 year ago

I'd heard lots of good things about Scrivener from other writers, and they all recommended this course to get me started.

I like the way all the steps were repeated multiple times. Really helped everything sink in.

The one major learning was probably the session on creating your research folder in the program, and the fact that you can take images and webpages and save them all in one place. The fact that this process was so easy and will make a big difference to my research when writing was a major factor for me deciding to purchase the program.

Virginia 1 year ago

Natasha clearly steps you through Scrivener's key features. It's easy to follow and hopefully, through use, easy to remember!

Each module breaks down its parts. I think this will be useful for future reference as I start to use the program myself.

I now have a systematic way to organise my writing.

Wendy K Banham 1 year ago

I'm so very impressed with what Scrivener offers and what I can do with it. Natasha did a great job of introducing its key features and making sense of it. I can't wait to try it out!!!

The best part of this course was finding out all the features of Scrivener which will make my life as a writer so much easier. It may even improve my writing! Who knows :-) It will, I'm sure, help me to organise and structure my writing in a way that I haven't been able to (easily) so far. I'm a pantser and so my writing practice tends to be rather chaotic.

AWC offers so many useful, great courses. You have to see for yourself!

April 1 year ago

I've tried Scrivener before and found the interface very overwhelming. I was looking to understand what I was missing.

This course was exactly what I needed to understand and start using Scrivener. Natasha presented a complex system in such an accessible and practical way. It cut through the noise and overwhelm and has set me in the right direction.

AWC has the best courses, structured to put theory to practical use right away and delivered in an engaging and encouraging way.

Glenda Wise 1 year ago

I have used Scrivener for a year but not to its full potential. With no time to go through tutorials, this 2-hour course was recommended by a fellow writer.

This course was MONEY WELL SPENT and revealed so many valuable aspects which I was not utilising while using Scrivener.

Natasha was lovely to listen to and her instructions were clear and concise.

Kate Feher 2 years ago

I wished to use Scrivener for my first attempt at writing a novel. I was sick of little, yellow, sticky notelets everywhere, but I'd heard Scrivener was difficult to get your head around.

Natasha's clear direct explanations, which I could stop and rewind when necessary, were fantastic. I realised that I could in fact do this and it would only take a little practise and familiarity with the program.

As a messy writer, I have mess everywhere trying to remind myself of important facts, ideas etc. I now have it all in one place. I use the Notes section in the Inspector all the time when fresh ideas hit me for a particular scene. As a kid lit writer, the discovery of Linguistic Focus in module 5 was very exciting.

Just do it. If you are serious about improving your writing, jump in to your first course. You will be amazed at what you didn't know.

Lynne Webster 2 years ago

I have been using Scrivener for a few years now and, as I taught myself how to use it, I know it is capable of much more than I have been able to work out for myself.

This course is great and I found Natasha to be a wonderful presenter, easy to listen to and most importantly covering the most useful parts of the program when we are starting out. I have bits of research all over my computer, on USBs and in real binder files and I am really excited now to bring all this information into one place and no longer be scratching around like a mad woman wasting precious time looking for it!

Upon completing this course, I see how Scrivener can help me with my writing and I now feel it is possible I will get my book over the line!

I have completed a few courses with AWC and I love them! The content and tutors are great and I love the weekly podcasts which help me to understand there are many ways to approach your writing. Learning tips and gaining inspiration from how others work gives you great ideas of how to find the right way for you!

Paul Rodriguez 2 years ago

I enjoyed the handouts and Natasha's thoughtful style and pace of presentation. Liked the way she was prepared to share her personal experiences and glimpses of her writing process and manuscripts.

If you've heard or read about Scrivener as a powerful writing tool, yet feel a little daunted by its alleged complexity -- never fear! "Two Hours to Scrivener Power" will help you get started. You'll learn how to efficiently use Scrivener to power your writing, without letting Scrivener's power get in the way of your writing.

Kate Downey 2 years ago

Having purchased Scrivener, the manual was incomprehensible and then I googled ways to learn and came across this course. It looked attractive and affordable. The fact that it is accessed through a reputable organisation was a deal-breaker.

Natasha Lester made it all so simple. I do not say "seem simple". To have the basic components of Scrivener broken down this way really makes the programme into a real tool - not something that makes me sigh.

I liked that the modules were short and well designed. Mostly I liked Natasha's delivery. She is exceptionally clear.

I think I am a messy thinker and have notes everywhere. Moving from shorter formats to a novel draft began to appear unwieldy but Scrivener seems to have the answer to the plotting dilemmas with its various features.

There were many lightbulb moments for me. In terms of the tools available, perhaps the cork board function blew my mind the most. That and the 'label' function. In terms of general concept, the notion of writing in scenes was a HUGE revelation.

Hand on heart, you won't be disappointed. This is brilliant material and a writer's lifesaver.

Tracey Peterson 2 years ago

I wanted to be more organised in my writing, so I downloaded Scrivener. The program was difficult for me to use, so I needed assistance. This course provided that. It was easy to follow and presented by someone with actual knowledge of the program and writing novels in it.

Having all my research in one place is amazing and saves so much time!

If you really have that ache to write but do not know where or how to start, start with the AWC. These are courses with purpose, not just vanity pieces or a quick money grab.

Louise Adele 2 years ago

I have tried to write a book in the past and I do not enjoy working in Word (or Google Docs). I had to write my PhD in Word and I am a little scarred from that experience! I had read about Scrivener years ago and wanted to try it with some support, as when I did a trial years back, the platform was not particularly intuitive.

The course was super useful and great to have the PDFs in case I forget (which I am bound to do!).

As a big fan of historical fiction, having the opportunity to learn just a little bit more about Natasha's method was great! I also purchased three of her books whilst doing the course, so that's a win for Natasha too!

Huge number of courses, great facilitators and known, published authors + you've been around for a long time now, so we know your programs help.

Quita Leslie 2 years ago

I am in the early stage of writing my book and have been using Word for writing and Evernote for storing my research. The process is starting to become cumbersome and I started to investigate Scrivener hoping it's a better tool for me. All the other videos I looked at on YouTube have been confusing and unclear so I bit the bullet with this course, hoping that it would be different.

It's a fabulous course and I would highly recommend it. Thank you Natasha and AWC for helping Scrivener beginners like me to feel excited about a writing programme. I can't wait to get stuck in and transfer all of my current work from Word and Evernote to Scrivener - nerding has never been so appealing!

Natasha explains things in a very clear and understandable way.

I now feel that I can move forward with my project knowing all my research and writing is in one easily accessible place. This course is a procrastination-killer!

I'll no longer be one hot-writing-mess...yippee!

Lani Lip 2 years ago

I had heard how good Scrivener was and thought it would be useful for it to be demonstrated by someone who used it. I enjoyed the way Natasha explained each feature in such a simple way and demonstrated how easy the programme was to use.

I'm even more excited to commit to more writing projects.

Anna Ash 2 years ago

I was feeling overwhelmed and didn't know how to progress with my narrative non-fiction/family history. This course took me by the hand and showed me what I think will be an incredibly useful tool for tackling the tome.

YES! I yelled, making the cat jump, when Natasha showed us Scrivener's power to give you a variety of ways to look at your manuscript.

I've almost completed three courses with the Australian Writers' Centre and they've been practical, professional and above all inspirational. As a writer, even a writer during the period of Covid, you don't have to be alone!

Celine Pascual 2 years ago

I have a large manuscript and have been using a trial version of Scrivener for approximately three years without really understanding how to use it. I guess I never wanted to commit to the novel I was writing. I'd like to commit now so I figure I better learn how to use it.

I liked seeing how Natasha used the label functions, explained the corkboards and just generally organised her research. Thank you for generously sharing your manuscript, Natasha.

Setting up your binder and learning how to use the functions in the Scrivener program will make it easier for you to complete your project. I also liked some of the good habits she suggested, like renaming and writing a synopsis straight away.

AWC has good quality courses presented in a thoughtful way.

Danielle Phelan 2 years ago

I'm in the early stages of writing a memoir. I'm a pantser, writing in fits and starts, drawing information from a number of disparate sources. It's a challenge managing so many documents. I've tried using Word and OneNote, but they just don't cut it. I'd heard mixed reports about Scrivener and wanted to know more about it before making a decision to purchase.

I particularly enjoyed seeing how Natasha uses Scrivener for her own writing projects. I'm sure her tips will be very helpful.

It's reignited my enthusiasm to press on with my memoir, knowing I can use Scrivener to organise my material and track my progress. The project somehow seems less daunting than it did before.

Aislinn Batstone 2 years ago

So many great tips about getting the most from Scrivener. Natasha teaches just as brilliantly as she writes!

I think this will transform my use of Scrivener and improve my ability to organise and visualise my writing projects enormously.

Rosie Evanian 2 years ago

I've heard a lot about Scrivener and out of pure frustration of scrolling through 90K plus words in Word I finally took the step of faith.

I've never done an online course before (I'm an in-class face-to-face kinda girl). But Natasha was SO clear and thorough and explained the steps really well. I also liked that it was a short course, giving me the motivation to do it knowing that it can be completed.

I enjoyed the clarity and sharpness of Natasha's voice and articulation. The fact that each video was short and could be accomplished in one sitting (say after work). And I liked that she repeated the steps a few times just to make sure we got it.

I did a little dance when I discovered you can put images, and research notes and web links directly next to the scene you're working on! Amazing! I haven't applied it yet (as I just finished the course), but it's been something I've been imagining for a long time. I believe this Scrivener course will change my life - for the better.

Definitely do it! These people are passionate about their craft.

Gillian Harkness 2 years ago

I had Scrivener for a few years and found it really difficult to navigate. I thought this course would give me the basics to manage my projects.

Natasha explained everything very well and it was easy to follow her around Scrivener. She was very likeable and made the content easy to understand.

I can now open a new project, start a new project, import files and organise my work.

All the courses I have done with the Australian Writers' Centre have been great. Easy to understand and they cover the information very well.


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