Jenna D 5 months ago

I learned so much! I admit that I did not appreciate the technical precision and sparkle required for a truly wonderful children's picture book.

Cathie had great feedback. It was clear yet supportive. The class feedback and the individual feedback was valuable.

It has made me understand the magic of picture books and has inspired me to keep writing and perhaps work together with my sister.

AWC was a great way to learn more about the whole life-cycle of writing a children's picture book - the technical drafting side, the sparkle, the teamwork required. The commitment to enrol gave me the motivation to write again.

Loved it! Thank you for providing me the tools to move forward with more confidence.

Anna Bhantana 5 months ago

This course has blown the roof off my head. Just amazing. Big thanks to literally everyone involved. And I mean literally everyone - from Valerie Khoo and her easy-to-listen-to, articulate voice, to Cathie's feedback, to the accountant who processes the pays for people in charge of keeping the website bug-free, to the people who designed the website, to the people who managed to make an online course so interesting (including encouraging students to talk to each other)... just everyone. The whole course was so impressive.

Cathie is amazing. Her feedback was so good and really helped me understand the material I'd been learning. Having this feedback made all the difference between reading information / listening to the audios thinking "ah yep, I get it" and then being like, "ohh I hadn't actually got it at all, but now I know why." I just appreciated this feedback a LOT. So much so that I wish Cathie lived up the street from me and would pop in for a cup of tea and offer to read my manuscripts and give me feedback every week for free. I'd give her biscuits in return. Sometimes homemade, but more often than not probably Arnott's Monte Carlos. They just dunk better in a hot drink.

I liked having encouraging classmates. I liked Cathie's feedback. I liked the handouts. I liked having a list of children's picture books recommended to me. Do I really have to pick one thing, or can I just say that I found it all enjoyable? Imma go with 'all of it' as my final answer to what I found most enjoyable.

The only time I didn't find it enjoyable was when my preschooler had to stay home one day and every time I tried to listen to an audio he'd ask for a snack, or interrupt to show me the tower he built, or tell me that he needed to poo... but I think all of that was out of AWC's hands, and so we're back to my 'most enjoyable part of the course' being 'all of it.'

I'd previously spent a lot of time googling information about how to write a children's picture book. I knew it was 32 pages, I knew some other stuff, so I really wasn't sure what else I'd learn. I knew that there was a lot I didn't know, but hoo-boi was there A LOT I didn't know. ALL of the information in the course was fascinating, mind blowing, and interesting. It was all new information for me. I seriously cannot wrap my head around how deceptively simple picture books are. The information in the course, and the way it was presented, just scratched an itch I'd almost become numb to.

I did a course with AWC, and it was AMAZING. It was so good. Go and do a course with them. I mean you literally will not regret it. It will be impossible to regret it. Just enrol. The quality of both course and content is incredible. It is superior. Thank me later.

Simone Curtis 5 months ago

Cathie was respectfully constructive in her criticism. I liked the fact Cathie didn't sugar coat things if there was an issue. I enjoyed watching improvement in my skill.

The Australian Writers' Centre has the online platform down pat; it was easy to navigate and was well set out. The online course was well constructed and, in a short time, there was a lot of learning.

Katrina Brown 6 months ago

Cathie Tasker is fantastic. Her feedback is constructive. Her suggestions have merit. Her honesty is delivered with tact. Also, her responses in the chat commentary show she is invested in students. I believe Cathie designed a picture book course for novice writers that was relevant, achievable, and without fluff. I'm glad I took the course. I'm a bit sad it's over.

I loved seeing the stories of other students. I loved the transparency of loom student feedback too - the vicarious learning was helpful. I also enjoyed the bravery of students. Each student would submit stories and just 'have a go'. The most helpful aspects of learning were about 1) the picture book page layout, 2) writing techniques, 3) publishing, and 4) editor feedback.

Bust your own myth - writing picture books is not easy. Take up the challenge and learn from an industry professional about how to write picture books. It will become a fun obsession!

Craig Hutchings 6 months ago

The course was great. It helped me formulate some book ideas that have been rattling around in my head for years. Cathie's feedback was direct and honest, which I appreciated.

It is thorough, well run by experienced people and good value for money.

Margarita Williams 6 months ago

I've been a classroom teacher all my life and loved picture books. I had a few ideas for picture books and when I looked into this course it looked interesting.

I was amazed at what I didn't know about picture book writing. I've written as a hobby for years and submitted picture books to publishers unsuccessfully a few times over the years.

Cathie's willingness to share her knowledge in such detail was inspiring. She was able to expose what wasn't clear in my writing. I realised the 'darlings' in my writing were often not helpful. I liked her feedback on assignments.

Go for it! I learnt so much.

Thank you, AWC, for providing such a vast array of opportunities to learn more about the craft of writing. Thank you, Cathie Tasker, for your selfless sharing of your vast knowledge.

David Coleman-Mann 7 months ago

I have been doing a lot of editing, and I needed a switch of focus from that to creativity and storytelling. This seemed like the perfect short course to extend that idea.

Cathie was great. Very astute and insightful, and has so much experience in the industry. I actually didn't expect to get as much as I did get out of the course. The information and feedback were both brilliant.

Do it: it's worth it for understanding what you actually have to do.

Louisa Mu 8 months ago

Cathie was very constructive and helpful. She pointed out things that I had never thought of or considered which was really valuable.

It inspired me to go to the CYA Conference in Brisbane. I had never heard of this conference before, and it was only after I read the success stories of the authors who had completed this course.

I would say that the AWC is extremely helpful and is an essential part of the writing process.

Natalie Hurst 8 months ago

I enjoyed all of it! More, more, more please! I loved the weekly story task - they pushed us to keep growing and feedback was excellent. It was really important that it wasn't the same story. I loved the transparency of learning from everyone else and reading their feedback.

It was an excellent course - enlightening, humbling, inspiring and practical!

Sue Evans 8 months ago

I have been writing and submitting for a long time but unsuccessfully. I wanted to learn and have guidance from experienced editors, to allow me to be a successful picture book author. I am confident that I will achieve that now, following Cathie's suggestions and advice.

Ross MacKay 8 months ago

Cathie was great and provided wonderful feedback and was honest and to the point. No holding back, which is what you need - honest feedback.

I enjoyed the assignments and getting feedback directly on them. It was also great to be able to ask questions both of Cathie, but also of the other students in the class.

Before, I was simply writing a story that came to my head. This was great for ideation, but I know now that these stories would never have had a chance of being published. They didn't have the right structure and lacked the required emotional beat. I have learned so much in this course that I can now apply to my stories to give them a fighting chance of being considered.

I'd say it is well worth the investment in time and money. There is so much gold in there that you'll come away overwhelmed with information... but in a good way!

Samantha 8 months ago

Fantastic course. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning about the craft of writing picture books.

Cathie was great. All feedback was relevant to improving your writing skills and story.

I enjoyed listening to the weekly audio lesson and exercises to practice the information. Encouraged me to write more and put what I've learnt into practice.

Highly recommend to help improve your writing and make the journey more enjoyable.

Loretta Mahoney 8 months ago

I enjoyed Cathie's straightforward approach to feedback. She is very experienced so it was amazing to get such in-depth feedback.

There were many parts of the course I enjoyed but in particular, the way that the feedback was provided by video with Cathie outlining areas of improvement to my work.

It has given me the confidence to see that I have the ability to write and the tools to improve my writing. Now that I have completed this course and even though I have a long way to go, I have the ability to get better at it.

I would say that this course is a comprehensive foundation for someone wanting to learn how to develop their writing. The course contains in-depth information and a combination of videos, written material and video feedback from the tutor which makes learning more enjoyable. The recommended work needs to be done to get the most out of the course.

Katherine Guarino 8 months ago

I've always enjoyed writing and when I was young wanted to be an author. I have been considering taking this course for a long time and am currently on maternity leave with my second child and decided I wanted to do something for myself and finally take the plunge.

I thought Cathie delivered very clear and helpful feedback. She was honest and kind in her delivery. The course content was well written and easy to understand.

The fact that the modules can be listened to make it so easy to get through the content so I was able to listen and re-listen to the modules whilst I was breastfeeding.

Now when I read a picture book with my kids, I always read the dedication because it makes me consider how much hard work has gone into writing the book. I'm a lot more conscious reading the language and analysing just plot points.

The fact that you listen to the modules makes the content more achievable to get through. The course is really practical and contains the perfect amount of content. The tutors are very established in your field and the way they deliver feedback to you makes you feel like you're on your way to achieving your writing dreams!

I really enjoyed the course and found Cathie to be a wonderful tutor with so much expertise.

Stephanie Burton 8 months ago

I'm a retired teacher with grandchildren. I'm currently immersed in children's picture books and enjoy them. I needed a challenge. The course outline was enticing.

Having done a number of academic degrees in my past, I was pleased to see the rigour in the course design and the professional industry focus.

I gained a much greater appreciation of contemporary publishing in this genre. I was impressed with the very comprehensive information and detail provided. The realities of contemporary publishing were comprehensively explored and I really appreciated that.

The courses are intelligently designed, with a comprehensive coverage, and genuine professional insights into the industry. They give value for money. For me, the online option is gold. My health doesn't allow attending multiple conferences and courses as I have done in my more youthful past.

Angela Ghignone 8 months ago

I'd completed several AWC courses and they were all amazing, so I knew - when I had an idea for a picture book - that I had to sign up for this course!

I wondered if it was really necessary to take the course as, after all, how hard could it be to write a children's book? I was wrong! There are many principles and lessons to learn to plan, structure and write a picture book. There is also a lot to learn about pitching your manuscript to publishers and the production processes involved, including the importance of trusting the illustrator to enhance your story through "show don't tell".

I really appreciated Cathie's voice of experience, and practical observations and advice, as a picture book editor and publisher, as well as a judge of prestigious picture book competitions.

Completing the assignments was my favourite part of the course... firing up the creative juices and trying to put myself into the mindset of the children and their gatekeepers.

Since completing the course, I can read published picture books more analytically, noting what works particularly well, gaining insights and greater confidence in my own writing as a result.

Whatever writing genre you're considering, don't hesitate signing up to an Australian Writers' Centre course. Just do it. You'll be so glad you did!

Thank you Cathie, Valerie and the team at the AWC. Your courses and podcasts are so enriching for aspiring authors!

Amanda Segnitz 9 months ago

Cathie provided constructive and insightful feedback. I felt supported throughout the whole process.

I feel invigorated about writing for children. I can see ideas everywhere - it's just about learning more about the 'craft' of writing.

This course offers lots of inspiration, and the module handouts are invaluable, and something I will refer to constantly.

Every aspect of this course served to motivate and support anyone who is interested in writing for children. I really enjoyed it. Thank you!

Adam Samon 9 months ago

I appreciate the honest feedback to help improve my writing. I learned that you need to get the character to do something to create a good story and how you should show and not tell.

A good starting ground to launch your interest in writing.

Rebecca 9 months ago

I have been looking at classes with AWC for quite a while. I'd had a particularly bad day at work as a neonatal nurse and bought a laptop on the way home from work and signed up for this course by the time I went to bed that night. I started it with plans to write a book for my nephews for Christmas.

I was concerned I would be out of my depth. I am a nurse and have never studied any literature or early childhood courses, but the course exceeded my expectations.

Cathie is a fabulous tutor. Her feedback on the assignments has been invaluable and also encouraging.

I loved all of it - both the content and the assignments.

I am writing every day since starting this course. This course has helped me to develop my ideas into stories. It has shown me the importance of show don't tell in picture book writing.

The course is well thought out and easy to complete around other life commitments. The feedback you receive during the course is invaluable for your writing progress.

Bronwen Channon 9 months ago

I knew I wanted to write a children's book; other than the idea, I didn't know where to start.

This course exceeded my expectations. Having actual tutor feedback on my writing was invaluable. She was very patient, very thorough, very quick!

I enjoyed completing my assignment, sitting on it, letting it rest, submitting on Sunday. Waiting for my next lessons, waiting for my Loom feedback session!

I am determined to continue with my journey to be a published author.

I have joined the Furious Fiction writing, I'm listening to your podcasts, I've joined your Facebook pages. I'm getting very involved and very excited! The AWC is a great spot to find a course to help in any aspect of writing that needs it.


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