Jodie Fitzsimons 3 months ago

I desperately want to get my kids' books published and thought this would be great motivation, plus I'm a new teacher and thought it could give me some tips about being in front of big groups of kids.

I didn't expect the course to be so thorough! There was so much information, it was fabulous.

Nat Amoore is infectious so it was a pleasure listening to her and watching her.

The enthusiasm of Nat really sucked me right in, but her dedication and the detail she goes into with her work is truly inspiring. It really made me look at what I'm doing and realise I need to push myself way more!

Just a big thank you because I really think the information was invaluable, there was so much I learned.


Artelle Lenthall 3 months ago

I was attracted to this course mainly because I knew Nat would have a variety of amazing ideas and I'm planning on presenting in schools in the next year or so.

I love that Nat and Pamela planned and Nat presented a range of activities, often with examples, for the different comfort levels of participants.

I feel a lot more confident in navigating presentations and everything around getting and running them, plus getting or being reminded of a few handy industry insights too.

AWC courses are always professional and extensive :)

Nikki Brooke 5 months ago

Nat is a very engaging presenter, which is also fun for her adult audience.

I now have ideas for presentations and a better understanding of expectations and potential pitfalls.

This is a great course with lots of information, fun, and easy to follow along with. Very useful.

Zewlan Moor 11 months ago

Very thorough content, engaging presenter. Useful info - e.g. length and format of presentations for different year levels.

Helped me to know what speaking agency expected when I applied to them - they accepted me!

I always recommend AWC courses - for this one, I'd say it's a very thorough course that hopefully helps us to be as successful as Nat Amoore! But she was kind enough to emphasise we're all different in our personalities and presentation styles, and to lean into that.

Abbey Lane 11 months ago

This course took me longer than expected as there was so much wonderful content. I enjoyed Nat's passion, engagement, handy tips. I am more prepared for my first school visit next month.

This course was amazing and highly recommended as engaging Nat shares gems of experience and loads of content to help budding creators present to kids. 11 out of 10.

Annaleise Byrd 1 year ago

I really loved this course and got so many practical ideas from it, including for my book launch (which I didn't expect this course to cover). Instead of feeling worried and out of my depth when it comes to getting up in front of kids, I'm now feeling excited about creating some fun, on-brand workshops and talks that play to my strengths and will get kids excited about books (both mine and other peoples'!)

I enjoyed Nat's vibrant personality and all the practical examples (of workshop activities, presentation content, launch ideas, book trailers, etc).

I now have some concrete ideas for how to plan and organise my workshops, and I feel excited and energised rather than terrified by the prospect of standing up in front of a roomful of kids (a classroom's worth, anyway... an auditorium or school assembly still feels rather daunting!) I'm looking forward to connecting with the kids!

Do AWC's courses. They are awesome. :D

Thank you so much!

Victoria Ellen 1 year ago

I can present to kids but am not comfortable with presenting to large groups. I am also not great at technology and presenting in today's world requires some proficiency and comfort around using technology. This course looked like everything I needed to learn and the BONUS it was being presented by the awesome and totally inspirational Nat Amoore. I absolutely loved every minute of this course.

After completing this course I now have in the back of my mind how I am going to promote stories as I write them. If you do it together, then you will have an idea of your audience and how the book will work when you present it to kids. I have stopped putting as much effort into a couple of my manuscripts because, after completing this course, I feel they won't transfer as well into an exciting school presentation for a group of students.

If you are thinking of it, then DO IT! All the courses I have done with the Australian Writers' Centre have been amazing. I have learnt so much and knowledge = power and confidence in your craft.

Thank you Nat and the behind-the-scenes team at the Australian Writers Centre for putting together these awesome courses!

Lesley McGee 1 year ago

As a relatively new author/illustrator of picture books, presenting was the natural progression for me to better promote my work. After reading your course outline, this was definitely what I was looking for. Public presenting has always been a huge challenge for me. I thought this course would demystify and help me to get over my hesitation.

I cannot thank AWC enough for putting together such a fantastic course. I may not use all the things covered, but would struggle to find anything else as comprehensive, especially for the Australian market.

I think this course has removed a lot of the 'fear' behind presenting. I need to find my own groove and of course practice, a lot. A wealth of information that I will probably continue to refer to as I build my brand.

Nat was a joy to watch each session. I wish I had her energy and confidence, but hoping I get there soon after completing this course!

Highly recommend. You would struggle to find more comprehensive and user-friendly courses for the industry, especially in Australia.

Danielle Camer 1 year ago

Nat was excellent. I have gained so much knowledge and tips for presenting to kids, tailored to different age groups. I enjoyed her energy, enthusiasm and expertise.

This course provided invaluable tips for presenting my book to kids at schools and other venues like booksellers. It gave me the understanding of how to plan and conduct events like book launches.

I used some of the book launch ideas for my first book launch. I also managed to tee up big sponsors for my first book launch event (Hyatt Hotel and Toyworld), and I wouldn't have even tried this had it not been for this course!

The AWC is essential for starting a picture book author career.

Truphena Mahindu 1 year ago

Nat made the course memorable. It was very engaging and easy to follow. I watched with my kids because they found it fun - all the action and colours of books they've read.

Save yourself doing the publishing maze with closed eyes; get the direction, support and encouragement you need from those who have been there and done that...and are still at it because it works for them, so it's likely to work for you!

Shannon Meyerkort 2 years ago

My first children's book will be coming out later this year and I want to be prepared for doing school visits and author talks. The timing of the course was brilliant.

I enjoyed the practical advice and Nat's generosity in sharing specific games and activities we can use for kids of all ages. She is an enthusiastic and generous presenter and gives us all something to aspire to.

I now have confidence that the author presentation I've had in the back of mind will work but also that there are other options if I need them, plus games and quick ways to pivot if things go wrong.

A thoughtful, practical course that provides you all you need to know about presenting to kids and makes it slightly less terrifying.

Loved all the costume changes, Nat!

Amelia Lewis 2 years ago

Nat's presentation style was relaxed and engaging - I can see why she's a hit with the kids!

The practical tips were really appreciated. I loved the emphasis on finding your own brand and personal stories to keep the kids engaged.

Jeanette Stampone 2 years ago

I just released my first picture book and have been seriously thinking of going into schools etc. but didn’t really know where to begin!

Nat was very engaging and came up with ideas I would never have considered. I liked how it covered the business side of things too.

I enjoyed the video format with short videos which held my attention.

I feel like I am beginning a new journey in my writing career and this came at a perfect time. I have no doubt I still have a lot to learn but this course really helped me get the best start.


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