Leonie Jennings 3 months ago

This course is really well thought out and structured in a logical way. It's easy to dive into to find a particular detail. It's made me more determined to finish my novel and get it published.

While I thought I understood the process, the course made me realise how many small traps are out there, waiting for the unwary first time author. Now I'm ready.

Excellent, comprehensive, well-written and nicely presented courses for every aspect of writing and publishing.

April Whitehead 7 months ago

As an aspiring writer with a finished first draft, I wanted to understand more about the ins and outs of publishing to inspire me ahead of revisions.

I found the course incredibly thorough and informative. I felt like you were inside my brain - every one of my questions was answered, just as I was thinking it. The course was structured in a really easy-to-digest way which meant I came away feeling like I 'got it' - even some of the complex stuff.

I feel like, when my manuscript is ready, I'll feel confident to navigate the submissions process without fear of silly missteps.

I recommend AWC all the time! If you're ready to take your writing seriously, you have to invest in yourself and your craft and AWC courses are invaluable.

Rose Savage 8 months ago

This course exceeded my expectations. It was so packed with the info I needed. It helped me to get a very realistic understanding of the components involved. Demystified the subject in a measured, informative style. Well-paced.

Do it, it's SO worth it!

Gillian Harkness 1 year ago

Everything is well set out and the course covers everything you could possibly think of.

I recommend the AWC all the time. You have great courses that are chock full of great info, and the teachers are great as well.

Thēátin 1 year ago

Lots of knowledge and Valerie is great voice to listen to, very easy to follow and well-prepared dialogue. I know how much work I will need to do to prepare for publication.

Do this before or whilst writing your book! Don't wait till you've finished as it's a fascinating and comprehensive introduction to how the publishing industry works for novelists and children's books.

Meg Taylor 1 year ago

The level of detail is brilliant. You've saved me around 6 months of blundering about not knowing what to expect from the publishing world.

I enjoyed the practical details and hints, legal definitions and reasonable expectations. I feel more ready to take the step towards approaching a publisher.

Tom Morris 1 year ago

Terrific course. Would recommend to anyone. I appreciated the clarification around terms I was unfamiliar with.

I now officially want to be a published author.

Maryanne 1 year ago

The depth and breadth of content covered was more than I expected. Opened my eyes more to the world of writing and publishing. Definitely a course worth doing if you wish to become a writer.

Sanjana 1 year ago

It's very informative. I would have no idea about anything publishing-related without doing this course.

Gillian Harkness 1 year ago

I just completed Write your Novel and am on a roll to move to the next stage to get my novel published. All the courses I've done with AWC have been fantastic; chock full of great information.

I enjoyed the in-depth information about different publishers and their approach to publishing different genres.

I'm just so excited to be on this writing journey and the AWC has given me the confidence to continue through to actually approach publishers and put my work out there to the whole world.

The AWC is fantastic and I thoroughly recommend any course with them.

Sarah Gajek 1 year ago

I'm getting ready to pitch my book to agents and I wanted to get an understanding of how the publishing process works.

I enjoyed learning about the distribution process, and particularly the insights around how to approach agents. I now have an understanding of how the publishing process works, and I feel confident in taking the next step to work on my query letter and pitch to agents.

This is an excellent course for any first-time writer who has written their debut novel and is serious about getting published.

Eva Rottenanger 2 years ago

I enjoyed the detail. I had no idea that the publishing world was so complex.

I'm very glad I took this course because I'm more confident for future projects.

Together, the courses constitute a fantastic way to get up to speed on any and all aspects of writing.

Clarus Coates 2 years ago

The information was incredibly helpful and not too detailed or overwhelming. It was nicely paced and structured.

Honestly, the world of publishing seemed too big and scary with no clear start points or directions... it was nice to know which steps to take and in what order before reaching out to publishers.

Liana Richardson 2 years ago

Fabulous course! It gave me a thorough understanding of the publishing industry. I enjoyed how well the subjects were explained.

It has supplied me with valuable knowledge and confidence of what to expect when dealing with publishers. It has given me a clearer understanding of the publishing process

If you would like to gain an edge and learn valuable information and insider knowledge then try one of the many courses on offer at the AWC.

Stephen Ritchie 2 years ago

I thought it would be beneficial to learn something about the process of publishing should I ever get that far. It was surprisingly interesting and the voice over was engaging.

It will keep me focussed that I'm writing for a market, so I should have in mind more clearly who my audience is rather than me.

Thank you to Pamela Hart. I have even bought one of your books.

Belinda Carli 2 years ago

The detailed insight of how publishing works plus the real-world examples were great.

I never realised just how hard it was to get published, but there are lots of options and don't give up! Stephen King's fourth book, Carrie, was his first published; JK Rowling went to twelve publishers. In other words, rejection is not the end of the line.

Very professional, flexible yet detailed training - it's a must if you want to enter the publishing world.

Larissa Collins 2 years ago

So many enjoyable things in this course but the most important was the honesty; I greatly appreciated that. There was a line about not quitting your day job if you think being an author is going to make you rich, combined with write because you love it and write about the story you need to tell (not trends, as publishing process is slow and trends have changed by then). The other message about perseverance and persistence in relation to getting published and not giving up. The value of editors and their role and the differences between indie publishing and traditional publishing.

Knowledge is power - I have more knowledge now. It is good to know there is some room for negotiation in contracts and what to focus on. So much to learn, and this helped immensely.

You have to be able to be so much more than a great writer to be an author. You need to know how to edit your own work, promote it online and in-person and be a business person/ contracts lawyer-in-training to be able to figure it all out. Not to mention the essential personality characteristics of never giving up and don't take constructive criticism personally. Tall ask!

AWC courses are professionally run and resources are fantastic for referring to later. The audios are helpful, as well as PowerPoint slides. All very well put together and being able to do courses online and in your own time is so valuable.

Ryan Tolliday 3 years ago

I now know where I belong in the industry, as a writer looking for a publisher. This and the other course have helped me sort out my career pathway, and freed my mind quite a bit. I see the boon of being a part of the traditional publishing industry, rather than going at it alone and self-publishing.

This course is great, and especially helps you understand the industry: you'll approach the publishing industry better, and what you will learn will help you on your way towards making and publishing your book.

Shelley Dark 3 years ago

The world of publishing is so complicated with so much esoteric jargon, I was grateful to have a course I could listen to, over and over, as it’s hard to take it in all at once.

I really enjoyed all of it because it’s so practical and hands on, but I especially liked learning about different books sizes and formats and what they mean to the author. It was also great to hear an explanation of contracts, clause by clause.

I now look at books in bookshops in a different way. I know which are trade paperbacks, which are mass market. I look at covers and sizes and paper and print size and promo materials and the way they’re stacked on the shelf. All a mystery to me before this course.

AWC courses are written and presented by successful writers who know the current publishing market. Your writing will improve as well as your knowledge of the industry and your chances of being published.

Samantha Valentine 3 years ago

I was interested in learning more about the publishing industry. Plenty of content and resources. Helped me get my head around publishing, contracts and made me think about whether indie publishing is better for me. Indie publishing may be the way to go for my book.


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