Jordan Pollard 7 months ago

I've been writing but felt like I needed a bit of guidance and someone to hold me accountable. It was flexible because it was online and there were a lot of courses on offer.

Nat was fantastic, always open for questions and great with her explanations. Firm and fair approach and she has a real passion for it that shines through - so so great!

The information was really great and Nat was a fantastic tutor. I enjoyed (and was nervous) about getting feedback, but really enjoyed submitting something to a group of strangers and putting myself out there.

It's been great to be around enthusiastic people! Also, it was great to see others work and to see their feedback/growth in real time.

For me, it was really great to focus on having everything you write to help progress the story - often it's a big world and it's hard to know what to write, which details matter etc, but that was a good moment, to see that everything you write can serve the scene/story.

Do it! Great course, great tutors, passionate people!

Jane Jackson 7 months ago

Nat was excellent. She was positive and encouraging without shying away from issues in the writing. I found her enthusiasm infectious and looked forward to assignment feedback every Tuesday. I wanted to submit something she couldn't find anything to highlight, except the good stuff; didn't quite get there, but it is great fun trying. I love her attention to detail and clear "reader's eye". She certainly picked me up on some lazy habits I have and a big take out is to be vigilant and focus on every word. I also loved that she loved the dingo in my last assignment, because that "character" is a favourite of mine. :)

Loved the assignments and feedback. I also loved Valerie Khoo's audio lessons. She reads so well, with tone and texture and variation. I am a visual learner so thought audio would challenge me, but Valerie kept it colourful and engaging. Thank you!! Similarly, Nat's video assignment feedback sessions were at times a riot, as well as amazingly helpful and instructive.

It was value for money and relevant and I have learned a lot.

I have to take myself seriously as a writer and do another edit until it's right. I've done several edits of the two stories I've written, and now can see a mountain of work to look at them with my newly trained eyes. This is daunting, but I now appreciate how I have to commit to this.

The learning tools are excellent. The load is just right. The feedback is respectful, relevant, and fun. You can interact with other learners and writers. The team (Valerie and Nat) are clever, accomplished, and easy to follow.

Nicki Mckay 7 months ago

Nat was fantastic. She had a great way of delivering constructive criticism and quite active in the group. The cost is worth it alone for the tutor feedback.

Brooke Robinson 7 months ago

The tutor was friendly, professional and the constructive criticism was always helpful.

I enjoyed the exercises and the assignment (and feedback) and reading others' work. I also liked reading some of the recommended material.

I learnt a lot about how to take certain words out to make writing more effective. It is also structured in a way that makes you feel more confident because you can get some positive tutor feedback and hear other people's feedback and how to improve writing in general.

I did not have one major 'aha' moment, just lots of glorious mini revelations !

AWC courses are professional and well-paced with great feedback and opportunities to extend yourself with reading materials, information and the extra exercises. The recorded sessions are amazing and build on each other each week.

Vicki Troy 7 months ago

I'm very new to writing so needed a course to give me the knowledge to get started.

Nat provided very thorough feedback. I didn't realise how much there was to think about in a single scene!

I enjoyed practising my writing. It's encouraged me to actually write and make writing a part of my life. Have decided to practise with short stories first, though. A novel might be a bit ambitious for me at this time!

AWC provide advice you can trust and are a great inspiration to start writing.

Erin Hetherington 7 months ago

Often these types of courses are a bit wishy-washy, but this one had very solid content. So despite my time constraints I wanted to engage each week to learn more.

Pamela's feedback was very honest and useful, particularly in the last assignment. While I missed the Write Direction session, I watched the video and found it very useful also. I look forward to more courses with AWC.

It is a great way to learn some skills in a short space of time and the feedback you receive on your work is valuable and useful.

Teresa Mill 7 months ago

The feedback was great and allowed me to examine my writing closely. It made me realise that you need a writing mentor so that your writing is presented to others to look at it from a different aspect.

The course has made me take my writing seriously and make a writing schedule and now I write every day. It has taught me to take my time, not rush my writing and to finish what I have started.

I have to write every day now; I have a schedule and read, read, read.

Creative Writing Stage 1 is a go-to course for any beginner writer, a must to get you in the path of writing. It is excellent without being overpowering. Great course.

It has made me realise that I needed time for myself and I feel good, and much happier because I have become serious about writing.

Liani Solari 8 months ago

As someone starting out in fiction writing, I was attracted to the scaffolded approach of AWC's course pathway. Creative Writing Stage 1 seemed to be the perfect launch point.

The course achieved a great balance between providing need-to-know-now learnings and information that will be useful closer to getting published.

Petronella's feedback was always insightful and helpful, and she supported her tips with examples of her lived experience as an author.

I have a much better sense of how to achieve my goal of writing a novel and (hopefully) getting it published. I'm confident the course has helped me to circumvent some of the mistakes I would have otherwise made just because I didn't know any better.

Why flail about trying to reinvent the wheel when you can get closer to your writing goals with the guidance of AWC's experts?

Nicole Anderson 8 months ago

Petronella's feedback was really encouraging and helpful and the structure of the course was super easy to follow. Thank you for putting together this content - it's been incredibly helpful!

I really loved how honest, warm and helpful Petronella was. The video feedback on everyone's assignment really helped me to learn and to reinforce learnings. The audio lessons were so easy to follow and a convenient way to learn.

The course has validated me that I can actually write this book. That I need to take the pressure off myself given it takes most first time writers two years to write their first book!

The course is affordable, convenient and really relevant content for anyone looking to write fiction.

Fiona Perman 8 months ago

A friend, who is an author, recommended I do a course as I had been mumbling about trying to write a novel for... years.

I have really enjoyed the course! I am impressed with the tight format and the clever assignments. It is a lot of information in a relatively short time, so I look forward to going over it all again and listening to some of the sessions again.

Nat was wonderful. I really appreciated her style. It was horrifying to me initially that she would read our work out... eekkk... but listening to her I quickly overcame my shyness and really found it a great way to share what was being written. I found her feedback really helpful. The way she showed us how to edit our work was really well done.

I loved that you got us writing straight out of the blocks. It was confronting but set us up well to continue. I think this course is extremely worthwhile.

I started totally unsure if I had the skills to write. I am much clearer now on the areas I need to work on... and it feels possible...

If you have had a little voice in your head quietly wondering if your passion for books could transform into a passion for writing... do this course. It teaches you really important skills to help you determine what you want to do and how to do it. I suspect it could be the difference between a hobby and a career.

Maria Kirby 8 months ago

I wanted to explore my creative writing ability and was heartened that this course caters to anyone wishing to do this. You don't have to have an idea for a novel - you can just explore your creativity.

I was delighted to discover that the people on my course were so friendly. They were all interested in so many genres of writing - a real revelation to me. I have never read any sci-fi before but it's wonderful to see how creative some of my fellow course-mates are. It was great that everyone was so supportive and constructive in their feedback. I really enjoyed the 'chat' group.

Jennifer was very encouraging and constructive in her generous feedback. She is brilliant at interpreting everyone's writing (I was a bit lost in some of the sci-fi stuff)! I really enjoyed listening to her videos critiquing everyone's work and learnt so much from her advice.

I loved that I could listen to the audio lessons while I was out for a walk. I could absorb them and then go home and do the bonus exercises.

I really enjoyed the chat group on my course - everyone was so kind and encouraging. I'm very sad the course has finished but I do hope some of us will keep in touch so we can see how we all progress. It's been an incredible journey!

I never thought I would be contemplating writing novels. I just didn't think I had enough ability or talent. I now have characters spending time in my thoughts while I'm in the shower or out cycling and I've started imagining what situations I will put them in next. I also notice far more of my surroundings and imagine how I'd describe them in a scene! Novels will never be the same again - I find I am analysing them now. I even ditched one last week and realised it just didn't have enough pace!

Go for it. There are courses for every type of writing - all well-structured and designed by professionals. You will be amazed at how much you'll learn and also how much you'll enjoy it. As a bonus, you get to 'meet' lots of interesting people along the way. It could change your life!

I have never been so absorbed by a course before - my family feel abandoned! I feel like I have finally found 'my people' by embarking on this creative writing journey. I have loved it and am really sad the course has finished. I will definitely be enlisting in future courses in 2024!

Frances Shannon 8 months ago

Honestly, this course has opened up a whole new world for me, as a beginning writer and a reader and just in terms of the way I look at life!

Very helpful feedback, targeted the writing very precisely, gave me confidence but also showed me clearly and in a positive way that I have a lot of skills to develop and hone to master this craft.

Major learning for me was that writing is a complex and difficult craft to master but at the same time hugely fulfilling when you see yourself developing some of the skills required. I feel that I can develop myself as a more open person and try to see the POV of others in order to explain what's going on in a variety of life situations.

Thank you for your wonderful offerings. I am a fan. I feel that I can trust AWC to deliver valuable courses motivated by the goal of developing and supporting writers. The course I did was brilliant. There is a course for every developing writer - go for it!

Emma 9 months ago

I liked the tutor's approach. I liked the way she was just straight with the feedback and if something wasn't working. I enjoyed having the writing prompt/assignment every week and having a deadline. I've really looked forward to doing the course each week and I'll miss it now.

I loved the reminder that novels don't just get written in the first draft and that it takes grit and subsequent drafts to get there.

This is my 3rd course with the AWC. My first (the copywriting one) led to me changing careers. I've loved reading and words since I can remember, so I'm thrilled I now get to write for a living. For that, the Australian Writers' Centre will always have a special place in my heart and I'll always recommend it to others.

Sophie Smits 9 months ago

I was drawn to this course by the opportunity to get feedback on my writing and learn about the fundamentals of writing from professionals. The weekly assignments also drew me in as I know I need external accountability to work towards my goals.

Surprisingly, I found receiving feedback the most enjoyable since I wanted to know if my intentions came across in my writing. I also liked reading my classmates' writing as it inspired me.

I feel more confident sharing my writing with other people for feedback.

If you want to learn the fundamentals of writing and get some practice in without it being too overwhelming, this is a great course! It's also great for people who need external accountability to write consistently.

Kitty Clement 9 months ago

The exercises and handouts have great content, and I like that we can go back to them at any time.

It reminded me how I love writing, after not doing it for so long. It makes me want to get back into and ideally start/finish my idea for a novel.

The course is super flexible. It allows you to listen to the audio classes any time during the week. The exercises and content are really insightful and reusable for you to use in the future. The assignments were super achievable and not too overwhelming.

Kaitlin Kavanagh 9 months ago

I came to the course wanting something that would keep me accountable to writing practice and I also wanted to gain some feedback on my writing/story. I learned a lot more than I thought I would.

I found Pamela's feedback really helpful - every suggestion or query she had improved not only the piece of writing I had but how I approached the next piece of writing. She was very engaging, thoughtful and kind.

I enjoyed the assignments because they were so relevant to the coursework. I really looked forward to Pamela's feedback each week because I was excited to hear her thoughts not only on my work but everyone's - I felt her advice really improved my writing skill and confidence.

I feel confident about my writing ability and story and feel driven to finally write my novel - which has been put aside for a few years now.

If you have a novel/story idea and you don't know where to start - start here!

Latika Mani 9 months ago

After looking at all the available courses, I thought this was a good starting point to getting serious with my creative writing and receiving some professional feedback.

Jennifer is a generous tutor, who sees the positive in your writing and boosts your confidence and opens your eyes to the potential in your story that you didn't think was there. She always offers constructive criticism with reasons for why something isn't working and examples of how it can be improved. I learned a lot from listening to her feedback, not just for my work, but also for my classmates' work.

The writing exercises and assignments were a lot of fun.

Before this course, I'd sit in front of a blank word doc trying to formulate the perfect opening sentence before starting to type. Now, I keep referring to the advice to get the words on the page, no matter how rough; you can polish it during editing. It's a very good way to overcome self doubt.

The course material is easy to understand and informative. The exercises and assignments are fun and challenging in the best way possible. The tutor is knowledgeable, engaging and offers solid feedback. You'll be exposed to other writers' work and can learn from their writing styles and the feedback they get on their work too.

It's given me confidence in my ability to tell a story that people may actually want to read! I'm going to pursue my writing journey and see where it leads.

Keith Ayers 9 months ago

I had already done another creative writing course and wasn't sure about whether I would get more from this one. I was pleasantly surprised as I got a lot more than I was expecting, especially in terms of practical ideas.

Jennifer's feedback was very encouraging and helpful with ideas on how to improve.

I have tended to be more concise in my writing and I now see the value of being more colourful in describing scenes and characters, and using all five senses. I enjoyed challenging myself to be more creative.

The course will open your eyes to how to write more creatively.

Jan Byrne 9 months ago

I absolutely loved Creative Writing Stage 1. I received great feedback from Module 1 and throughout the remainder of the course.

The tutor was excellent - very helpful.

I loved that I've found my niche as a writer. I was initially interested in children's books. Now I'm interested in writing a novel.

David Sowden 9 months ago

I appreciated Bernadette's comments and liked that she was honest in her feedback. I feel inexperienced writers need to know what they are doing wrong otherwise we can't improve. I trust her opinion and would do another course with her as tutor.

Don't be afraid to give it a go.


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