Mylee 2 years ago

More than anything it has reiterated many of the things I have been taught on past writing retreats but because I was working two fulltime jobs and raising my three girls, I have been unable to put a lot of those practices in place. Best of all, it has reignited my self-belief and opened me up to options of further polishing my work, knowing that I can come and go with different courses as I continue to upskill.

It reminded me to be brave. I had forgotten that submitting/pitching feature writing was once something that did not scare me.

The Australian Writers' Centre is a must and I cannot believe that I have to come to it so late. The website is easy to navigate, clear, concise, affordable and the overall general feeling I experienced was that it is relatable and inclusive. This last part I would emphasise as I have struggled in the past to find a Writing Centre that has felt as 'down to earth' as a private writing retreat.

Julia 2 years ago

Just give it a go! There's inspiration and practical information and it's down to earth too.

Cheryl Gregory 2 years ago

I have wanted to look into being a real writer for some time. Have dabbled a bit over the years but lack the confidence. With this crazy world with covid, I decided that the time is now.

The course helped me think about where I want to go in writing. It has awakened the desire to work on my writing journey. Even at my age (57) I am looking forward to the next chapter in life.

Cheryle Szpaczek 2 years ago

I found for the stage I'm at in the writing process, this course is what I needed. For me it was more about listening and taking notes. I have been writing for quite a few years. My books sit in a drawer never to be seen by anyone. I feel at this point in my life that maybe someone should see them.

I enjoyed listening to all the interviews and hearing how everyday people took the steps to do something they love. To hear the stories of people like myself who don't come from a writing background but love it with a passion, to know that it is possible to take something you love and turn it into a career.

I realised that the only way I can reinvent myself is to take the first step like those people I listened to.

The course was informative, well presented and spoken in simple plain language. I enjoyed it.

Suzanne Malseed 2 years ago

I was inspired by the title. It's exactly what I'm searching recreate myself as a writer.

Valerie was an excellent presenter. Presentation was professional, pace was good - not too onerous in terms of expectations.

I was introduced to the idea of freelance writing which for some reason never really inspired me before, but it is exactly what I'm after in terms of the life I'm trying to create for myself, I just couldn't see the pathway before. Now I understand there is a path for me and I just need to learn the more technical aspects of writing, so I will be definitely enrolling in more courses to explore.

I realised that I can use my previous experiences and passions (corporate, culture, sports, wellbeing, neurodiversity advocacy and parenting) to help me to recreate myself as a freelance writer.

Very easy to access online (for us in the regions), first class material, makes me feel excited to be back in Australia again and like a new start is actually possible for me now. I feel less stuck and more empowered, after massive changes brought about by the pandemic.

Lisa Nash 2 years ago

What a kick start! The course has woken me up from a long nap in a dreary world where I honestly started to believe that writing was not achievable for me. Feeling and being proactive in my own goal now seems achievable and a reality. Ultimately, I feel I have been given the permission to write and that is what I am now doing.

If you are stuck in your own beliefs and trapped by unhelpful thought patterns then this is a course that will lift and inspire you as well as answer questions regarding the process of writing and publishing in an honest and helpful way. It is short, sweet and motivating.

Carolann Beardmore 2 years ago

It has given me confidence to try new ways of writing. I have always wanted to be a novel writer but now I am looking at exploring other ways of writing.

I was amazed at how many ways you can write and writing professions.

You have to do some courses through AWC; they are great. You learn so much and the tutors have a wealth of knowledge.

Andrea Sherko 2 years ago

I wasn't sure where or how to start to become a writer, so this course seemed ideal.

I really enjoyed listening to Valerie and all the guest speakers. The book is remarkably comprehensive - thank you for making this available!

It led me to realise the type of writing that I am best suited to. Narrowing things down in this way is enormously helpful.

I'm very glad I took this step. I'm now doing the Copywriting Essentials course - I'm on my way!

This course is ideal for those who are interested in exploring professional writing, but are not sure how to begin the process.

Emma Feehan 2 years ago

I found it enjoyable to hear about the types of writing you can aspire to get into, and how they all differ from one another.

I am more inspired than ever to become a writer, which is a lifelong dream. I will definitely be enrolling in more courses to help me.

Valerie is amazing, the course is easy to follow and you are bound to get a lot out of it. It is possible to become a successful writer without spending thousands of dollars and years at university.

Eliza Turner 2 years ago

I never considered the huge amounts of corporate and technical writing I undertake in my current employment as writing until I listened to the course audio. It made me realise I already have a wealth of experience as a writer which really boosts my confidence.

You do not need to be born with a natural gift for creativity that flows easily from mind to paper in order to write. It is a skill that can be learned and honed.

Undertake this course if you are considering a change in career and suffer from self-doubt.

Geetha Krishnan 2 years ago

Since moving to Australia, I was unsuccessful in securing a job as a journalist and worked instead in community care. When Covid-19 hit in 2020, I decided it was time to get back into writing. This course with the AWC has given me the assurance that it can be done no matter which stage of life you are at.

The modules are self-paced or can be binged during these frequent lockdowns in Melbourne.

The case studies with authors and writers is invigorating. It's almost like I've found my tribe.

I found this course at the point in my life when I was ready to make a career change. It has shown me that it is possible to venture into freelance writing or novel writing while having a job.

The Australian Writers' Centre allows you to dream and helps you achieve it.

Susan Godenzi 2 years ago

I was looking for inspiration to get me back into writing after quite a long period away from it. It's given me the confidence to complete the enrolment in a five-week course, and not just think about it.

Wendy Banham 2 years ago

I liked this course as it took me through a process of thinking through what was possible step by step. I also enjoyed hearing the stories of other students who had success with translating what they've learned through AWC into a part-time or full-time writing career.

Previously I had some idea of what type of writing I'd like to focus on but had not really thought it through as thoroughly. This course was a great help. However, I still feel that I have a long way to go.

Probably, the main 'aha' moments were that I need to write what I enjoy and to believe in what I'm doing.

I would say that doing this course or any others with the Australian Writer' Centre is a gateway for anyone considering taking up writing as a serious hobby or even career. These courses offer writing knowledge and skills in a very practical and easily accessible way.

Kristen Frankland 2 years ago

I want to change career and have always wanted to write. I want to reinvent myself and this course covered it all!

I really appreciate the range of writers that shared their story as I am still discovering the direction/s I want to take.

I enjoyed how positive it was and affirming that I can do this!

At this point, I have yet to take some of the actions, but I think if I really engage with the step-by-step process (baby steps - thank you), I think it could be profound. I am at the beginning.

We have one life, so why spend it doing things we don't enjoy? For me that means changing my life, facing the fear and stepping into the unknown.

It was practical, positive and really reasonably priced! For the small amount, you can be on the way to following your dreams to become a writer.

Katharine York 2 years ago

It was exactly what I needed. Although I have always been fiction focused, the course gave a great overview of different writing types - I hadn't even considered some of them being an option.

I found each module easy to listen to and the tasks helpful for thinking through what I needed to consider about myself as a writer. Having to intentionally consider my values, what I wanted my writing to convey and what I would or wouldn't compromise was something I hadn't thought of prior to being challenged by Valerie to list them. The interviews with authors and their expertise added extra weight and reality - hearing their stories made me think - 'yes, I think I can do this'. The craft of writing is something for me to further explore, but the inspiration and excitement I feel after the course has given me what I need to actually take the plunge to reinvent myself.

I feel invigorated about writing and about owning 'writer' as part of my identity. In the past my writing has only been for me, a secret pastime that has mainly been musing. I now feel as though I have permission to add 'Writer' to the list of answers to the question "What do you do?"

Just do it - there is nothing to lose. The fact that the courses are professional and so well endorsed by both emerging and professional writers speaks volumes.

Terra Lea Ranson 2 years ago

The course content was inspirational and I am going to pursue profile writing, starting with my family. My mother is the last in her generation so I am going to interview her (no doubt more than once) about relatives.

The content helped me identify that I have some skills already and has given me the confidence to make a start.

The Australian Writers' Centre is a community of writers who support and encourage you to write, providing the opportunity to learn the skills you need to deliver on the goals that are important to you.

Elizabeth Lloyd 3 years ago

I liked listening to the experiences of the AWC graduates who had success in publishing their writing. It made me realise writing is not out of my reach. Anyone can become a writer with the correct tools and applying themselves.

Magnolia Cardona 3 years ago

I've been considering early retirement for a number of years so I can focus on my new career as a writer. I've published one book and have two others in the making but felt like a fraud and stuck to my other job which does not involve much creativity. The name of the course just struck me as the right thing to do next.

It was encouraging to hear that it is possible to start my part-time journey as an author while having a full-time job. And the reassurance that I can be involved in writing across genres and don't have to stick to my field of specialty.

Reinvent Yourself has persuaded me to pursue the path I've been thinking hard about and to diversify after my first book. It has also compelled me to do a little bit every day and not wait for weekends only to be able to practice my writing craft. I can also enrol in and practice feature writing and submit pieces as a freelance writer to relevant places while I get there with my longer-term project.

I've done two courses with AWC and they gave me the confidence I needed to believe in myself. The insightful advice and feedback by accomplished writers was inspiring. I had a reality check that reassured me I could do this.

Pauline Bryan 3 years ago

I was looking for informed advice on what to consider when tossing up whether to take a dive into the world of writing and editing. Valerie explained the different types of writing in a way a novice like me could easily digest. This has made it easier for me to consider which avenue I wish to explore.

From this course, I've narrowed down what interests me. Though this may change over time, the course explained that giving something a go, only to find out it isn't what you want, is not a waste of time.

The course format suited me perfectly. I could read/listen whenever I made time.

I'll be exploring the areas of writing that appeal to me to see which one really floats my boat.

I'm already recommending AWC :-) The flexibility, range and presentation of courses is appealing to all levels of experience.

Libby Talbot 3 years ago

I wanted a basic level course where I didn't feel like I had to produce any works - I just wanted to listen and absorb before I committed to an interactive course. I actually didn't know what to expect but I loved it.

I enjoyed the true-life stories of how people became writers. So inspiring! So many people who believed they couldn't write suddenly found that they actually could. Perhaps I can too. I learnt to believe in myself.

It inspired me to enrol in the Creative Writing Stage 1 course. I've been thinking about it for 12 months but kept putting it on the back burner. I've done it and start in a few days!!!!!!

Even if you're not ready to do a course, listen to the podcasts - they will give you the inspiration to look further into the Australian Writers' Centre and what they have to offer.


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