Stephanie Pearce 2 months ago

I really liked the way Nat provided feedback; it makes you think about what you have written, or what you were trying to write, and how you could make it better. Her tips were gratefully received.

I enjoyed the fact that I actually wrote something! I really enjoyed reading my classmates' pieces as well, receiving their feedback and also providing feedback, which I am sure helped my own learning.

Anything is possible, you just need to start. I was excited when I went back to one of my assignments and thought 'did I write that?' So now I know I can and that I just need to go for it! Get it out, get it down, knowing that I can perfect it later. I think I have finally found my creativity!

If you ever felt like you would like to write, this is the place to start!

Merilyn Spratling 2 months ago

Jennifer is a very positive person with a lot of experience who provided articulate helpful feedback. She was great.

The lectures were informative and the speaker was clear and content interesting with real life examples.

I think I might be able to write!!

Neil Cockroft 2 months ago

I liked the content, which was pitched at the right level for an aspiring but novice writer with little experience. I hoped it would provide a stimulus to start writing and overcome inertia / blockage - which it did.

The course provided more technical guidance than I had hoped for. The online delivery modes worked well for me - handout, audio, video. Being motivated into APPLYING new learning immediately was invaluable, as was the timely feedback.

Nat was great. Her feedback was much more specific and personalised than I expected (= a lot of work for her, given numerous participants), and always delivered in a very constructive, encouraging, supportive way. Great job, thank you Nat!

I enjoyed having the opportunity and being encouraged to use my imagination. I realised how seldom I do this currently, in everyday life. As I result, I feel very energised to find ways of doing that regularly from now on.

It has provided the inspiration and confidence-building for me to start writing - and KEEP writing. I recognise that success (whatever that looks like individually) requires time, commitment and perseverance. This work can (and should be) fun, as well as challenging!

If you want to write (or write more and/or better) AWC probably has a course for you - and it will be delivered in a very user-friendly way.

Sincere thanks for your help.

Ayla Deans 2 months ago

The course provided incredible foundations for me to build upon. I enjoyed learning to develop my voice as a writer.

Kristen 2 months ago

Despite my initial concerns, I am glad I enrolled in the course. It has helped me to remember my love of writing, overcome my writers block and has given me the tools to push past my perfectionism. I loved the weekly assignments. The deadlines kept me accountable, and sharing them to our public forum was a great way to get comfortable with other people reading my work.

Petronella was really encouraging and a great help. Her feedback on our assignments was great. She highlighted things we did well and suggested improvements with an explanation of why something was confusing or didn't read well. I know for one of my assignments, I had made it too complicated for such a short scene, which was evident when Petronella gave her feedback.

I enjoyed the weekly assignments, where we would demonstrate our understanding of the modules in a concise scene and then receive feedback on our work. It was really interesting to read everyone else's assignments too.

Darren Silverman 2 months ago

I've always wanted to write. This seemed like the best place to start. I had no hesitation at all. Couldn't wait to get started.

Jennifer's feedback was an enormous help. She was fantastic.

I enjoyed putting my learnings to the test via the assignments and gaining some different ideas by reading other students work.

It's made me want to learn more and start writing my first book. I've already enrolled in other courses and look forward to enrolling in Novel Writing Essentials.

I loved the idea of setting the scene using the colour system. It made everything make sense and made better writing easier.

Just do it. If writing is your thing, then this Stage 1 course is a must. Just so helpful and such a good grounding for other courses.

Peter Waterman 3 months ago

I think it was a comprehensives course without being overwhelming. The tutor was very knowledgeable and generous in sharing that knowledge.

I have been a journalist all my life. This is a pivot from fact-based writing. Definitely shows even people who think they know how to write can learn a lot.

Dawn Markowitsch 3 months ago

I had finished my first novel draft and knew it needed work but wasn't sure where to start. This course has given me new skills to deal with this with more confidence and direction.

Petronella was very positive in her feedback and it was good to listen to everyone's feedback, as suggested, to pick up some pointers.

The assignments set were very helpful and it was fun to submit and read everyone else's writing.

I needed direction in characterisation and structure and I got this from this course. I've had my structure concerns confirmed and it's given me direction and I've realised that my character flaws are actually a voice issue, rather than a backstory issue. The few tips I've received on this has helped me immensely.

This short course has given me tools and inspiration to keep going with my writing journey. That it will make me a better writer.

Thank you AWC - I believe I will be back to do another course!

Sara Seto 3 months ago

Petronella gave insightful advice and was balanced in her feedback between positive and constructive comments.

I enjoyed being able to put into practice what I'd learnt that week and get personalised feedback on my writing from a published author.

It has helped me really think about the character and their motivations, thinking about how they would speak / think / act in a situation (not necessarily how I would speak / think / act!)

Amazing course that teaches you the writing fundamentals to become a better author. A good balance between theory and practice.

Emmie Hee 3 months ago

The tutor was wonderfully encouraging! Really appreciated Victoria's support and advice along the way!

The course was inspiring, encouraging and brilliant. The lectures made the information digestible. The handouts were incredibly useful. The assignments were so well designed to get students going in a really practical and useful way. Having the tutor support was wonderful too as it was really encouraging to have feedback on the assignments. I really loved the course - it's made me excited and confident to keep going.

It's really solidified for me that this is the pathway I want to take in life. It's really confirmed for me how much I love writing.

The delicious feeling of flow that I felt while writing each assignment felt like an 'aha!' for me. I felt focused, calm, quiet and immersed in my creative process and this was very affirming. So thank you so much!

Thanks enormously for all of the care taken to make this so enjoyable, encouraging and effective.

It's a phenomenal resource to develop your writing! Do yourself a favour.

Gemma Ryan 3 months ago

Nicole's tutelage was above my expectations. I really like how many examples she used that we could relate to. The idea of writing a whole novel is very daunting and seems too big to attempt but, through her own experience and explaining the process, it now seems more attainable and certainly something to try without being too self-critical.

I now look at writing as something to chip away at, to allow myself the freedom to pursue without pressure and you never know! Maybe I could be good at it.

Alison Rich 3 months ago

This course really challenged me - in a good way.

Nat was very encouraging and constructive with her feedback, and quick to respond in the chat too. It was really helpful to be able to listen to her feedback to everyone in the group as well as the individualised feedback to me because we were all writing in such different ways but everything she was saying was applicable to everyone.

It broke down the craft into discrete sections and then took each of those separate building blocks and helped us put them back together again. I was so grateful to find the information about the questions you can ask yourself to help you move forward with your idea.

Practical, experiential, thoughtful courses with very encouraging tutors.

Athena Law 3 months ago

I'm planning to do the full suite of 'Write Your Novel' courses with AWC over the next year or so, and this course seemed to be the right starting point.

I've enjoyed the weekly deadlines, and the bonus exercises were great. Victoria seems to be lovely and has given very insightful feedback via the weekly videos.

It solidified a lot of things I have been learning/researching myself over the past year. Great foundational course.

Christina Phillips 3 months ago

The course materials are very good. The tutor was professional and insightful. The comments really helped.

I have enjoyed the assignments and I felt that they have helped develop my writing skills.

Creative Writing Stage 1 is comprehensive and provided excellent resources and feedback on the assignments.

Allyssa Carlton 3 months ago

I loved this course! I hadn't completed any sort of structured writing course before so this was an incredibly helpful and confidence inspiring place to come to.

Nat was great. I think her way of providing feedback may have cured my fear of it. :) She appears to be very knowledgeable and eager to provide help, and she was very easy to understand and made her points clearly. I would definitely like to attend any other courses she tutors.

To my great surprise, I enjoyed the writing the most. I was quite content to sit down and complete the homework assignments and put them up for feedback. Already I know that my knowledge and skills have improved.

I feel a lot more confident in sitting down to write, knowing that it doesn't have to be perfect on the first pass, and knowing that there is guidance out there for me for future projects.

Grant Saxon 3 months ago

The course has inspired me to go to the next step to expand my writing horizons and make writing a bigger part of my life.

Nat was great. Her feedback was clear and considered, and she was very timely posting it each Monday morning.

Thanks for the course. Keep doing what you do!

Grant Follett 4 months ago

I have often thought about doing more writing but felt I needed a push. Because of a move overseas, I have more time to devote to it.

I found it really helped dislodge some blockages for me on writing. It gave me some exercises to try to get writing - and I really loved the message that the number one reason your book won't be published is because you haven't written it.

I really liked how it got me in the 'mode' for writing. I also liked how flexible it was.

It has turbocharged my desire to try to dedicate some time to writing and really try to finish something. It gave me an impetus to keep writing, and tips and tricks to enable me to do so.

Julie Scanlon 4 months ago

Excellently presented course and feedback was valuable and constructive.

It has given me a depth of understanding into character development and writing structure.

Lauren Goh 4 months ago

I enjoyed everything about this course! Everything from the lessons, and assessments to the feedback sessions.

The tutor was very friendly, passionate and positive.

It has inspired me to start writing again. It has also taught me some valuable ways to make my writing and stories better.

I would say it's a great way to get started. It's also a fun, low-pressure way to learn more about writing.

Alison Fletcher 4 months ago

I'm not sure what type of writing I want to do, so I thought this was a good general starting point. The course structure was another attraction. Originally I was looking at local in-person courses (eg through CAE) but none appealed. I liked the fact that while this course was online and involved asynchronous learning, there was a weekly assignment with personalised feedback, to keep me accountable.

I liked the video feedback and the fact that we could read everyone's submissions and listen to the feedback for each. I learned a lot this way.

I was very happy with Nat's role. She gave well-considered feedback that always offered something new to consider, and which I could apply immediately.

It's reminded me how much I enjoy the process of writing, and has encouraged me to consider doing further courses.

The courses are professionally constructed and informative. I liked the way the information was structured and how encouraged I felt. In many ways it demystified the writing process and made me feel as if writing a good story or novel was an achievable goal, rather than one restricted to a genius.


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