Anisha Ghani 1 week ago

The flexibility in completing the modules online at my own pace and short duration was what I was looking for, as I juggle work and a baby.

I honestly loved the content and depth of the course. Margaret was amazing at verbal feedback. I'm definitely motivated to keep writing and at least self-learning.

It's exactly the push you need to get started if you're a newbie to children's picture book writing.

Holly Dufek 1 week ago

Really enjoyed all the modules, the assignment relevance, the mode of feedback and the feedback. All was excellent. The tutor was positive and knowledgeable.

I enjoyed getting to know all the elements of book writing. A lot more complex than expected.

Hannah Kassuk 4 weeks ago

I thought Margaret was incredible! The feedback that I received from Margaret has been invaluable to me as an aspiring author and has given me incredible insight into my writing. I look forward to using the skills I have learned so far to develop my writing further.

I enjoyed everything! It has given me the courage to keep going with my writing and to use the skills I have developed to really give it a go.

Having someone tell you what is working and not working in your manuscript helps immensely. I can now see what I am doing well and what mistakes I am making. Taking out all the words that are unnecessary was a big one and also how to structure the story properly.

Stop whatever it is you are doing and just enrol! I would highly recommend this course and I would explain to people how much knowledge and skills I gained from doing it.

I would like to say a big THANK YOU! I am actually sad that the course has finished, I looked forward to it every single Monday and I am incredibly grateful to Margaret and everyone behind the scenes who makes it an amazing course. I am looking forward to enrolling in the Picture Books Masterclass asap! Many thanks!

Elizabeth Miller 1 month ago

I have written a novel and I'm nearly to the end of my second, but I've always loved picture books and wanted to learn more about writing them.

I was happy with the flexibility of the course, especially concerning assignments. Also, it's great that I can go back over the modules as often as I need for the next twelve months.

Margaret was very positive in her comments and always gave you a takeaway, something constructive that you could then work on.

I enjoyed the insights into the tricks to writing sparkling prose. Also, the parameters involved in picture books was interesting.

Five weeks is a good time frame, and the content is excellent. I now have a draft of a story that I have been thinking about for years.

I have completed three courses at the AWC and I have been happy with all of them. I think the AWC courses target a range of writing genres. Their courses are easily accessible and affordable. I especially appreciated the constructive feedback from my tutor in this course.

Melissa Kelly 1 month ago

Margaret was very knowledgeable. She was kind in her feedback but honest at the same time. The feedback she gave made sense and was very helpful.

I learnt so much in this course and so many things surprised me. Doing this course completely changed the way I write a picture book and I have more confidence that what I submit to a publisher might actually have a chance to be looked at.

It taught me more than I thought I needed to know.

I write with more confidence now and I feel like I have a clear pathway towards getting a book published

It's definitely worth it. It doesn't take up all your time. You can do it.

Emily Wybron 1 month ago

So much amazing content in the course. I'll be referring back to it so much!

I enjoyed all of it! Can't narrow it down - each week built on the skills of the previous one. I'm sad the course is over

Feedback was really valid and prompt.

It's given me the confidence to put myself out there and reevaluate my work with a much more critical eye. It provided a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to build our skills and confidence, plus the insider knowledge to take our work to publishers and hopefully into little hands one day!

Karen Casley 1 month ago

My tutor was very lovely and organised and knowledgeable. I felt she was very experienced and had a genuine interest in everyone's story telling. She was very encouraging with very helpful suggestions.

I understand the workings of picture books so much more. The course is explained beautifully and concisely. Great care has been taken to explain everything in great detail and cover important information in the process of writing and publishing children's picture books. All this brings understanding, inspiration and confidence.

The online program works beautifully and is easy to follow. Valerie Khoo is a great narrator and easy to listen to. The program is very well thought out.

Angharad von Grae 1 month ago

Margaret Whiskin was lovely and offered helpful feedback. I found the assessments enjoyable and learnt a lot from them.

It's made me more confident in writing and showing others. Accepting feedback and having hope for a successful future.

Great for learning about the industry and helpful that you can do online and in your own time. Helpful for learning the important basics.

Thank you to Margaret and AWC. I will definitely be back in the future.

Penny Harris 1 month ago

I am a published children's author and script writer but wanted to do this course to get feedback and give me the discipline to write what I have thought about for a number of years.

Cathie Tasker was excellent and her feedback was very helpful.

The course has made me think of myself as a writer. Despite having previously written books, I lacked the commitment.

If you want to write, this AWC course is excellent.

Jodie Fitzsimons 2 months ago

Margaret was lovely and knowledgeable and she gave very constructive, yet encouraging, feedback to the entire group.

I enjoyed the homework and getting the feedback.

The course has definitely encouraged me to keep going and shown me tips and rules around how to improve my current manuscripts.

Angela Paten 3 months ago

I was referred to this course by a friend, and when I looked over the course details I was impressed how it covered a wide range of practical and helpful content. I also liked how feedback was provided each week.

It was a confronting thought to put myself out there and open my writing up to constructive criticism, however I discovered it is a very safe space to do so.

I was impressed by how Margaret gave specific and helpful feedback to each student, as well as creative options and ideas we might not have considered. She was consistently encouraging about all writing submitted.

I enjoyed learning about the specifics of writing picture books. Each week's module was easy to follow, and having the handbook is a good reference.

I enjoyed listening to feedback not just for myself, but listening to others' feedback because it helped broaden my thinking and my learning. The weekly feedback on writing is invaluable. I was nervously excited each week waiting to receive that feedback. I took notes and learned so much from it.

I feel as though I have been given the keys I was looking for and I can now unlock my stories. I feel more confident to progress down the path of being a writer. Before the course, being a ‘writer' felt unattainable, but now it feels possible.

It is one of the best value for money courses that I have done. If you are interested in writing, AWC makes content easy to access and learning enjoyable.

Linda Marie Shmith 3 months ago

The insights of the writing process were extremely helpful. The use of invisible punctuation, active sentences, concrete words, rhythm and plot structure to name a few. This is such a rich and generous course that includes bonus exercises and industry interviews.

The tutor had kindness and care for her students. Her feedback was detailed and useful.

If you are interested in writing children's picture books, I can highly recommend the Australian Writers' Centre course. The structure is methodical, with notes and lectures. The information is detailed with examples, and each week you receive feedback from an industry recognised editor. Gold.

Holly Denshire Key 3 months ago

Judith was so enthusiastic and encouraging. She never made you feel like you couldn't do a task and really pushed everyone to do their best work. Really fantastic teacher!!

I enjoyed the creative feedback everyone gave each other. It felt extremely supportive and encouraging.

I am keen to look at my favourite books and see what makes them work so well. Judith reading out aloud to us really helped me understand what elements go into a successful picture book.

Susan Goedecke 3 months ago

It was inclusive, challenging and fun. A whole lot of things came together to make sense.

Judith explained everything simply and succinctly. Her knowledge, experience and love for writing and illustrating were infectious. Her feedback was kind and on point, she covered all the topics and left plenty of time for questions.

I enjoyed everything! Seriously, it was a wonderful weekend - excellent presenter, lovely students, fantastic content and a fabulous venue. Learnt a lot and made friends.

I have a way forward and some great structural tools. Very exciting!

Do it! In my experience, the content is great, the presenters are fabulous and the handouts are super useful. These guys know what they're doing.

A great course. Highly recommended.

Ancy Varghese 3 months ago

The feedback from my tutor for my assignment helped me to greatly improve my writing in many ways and boosted my confidence.

An amazing course if you are passionate about writing picture books, lots of resources and examples and very flexible course.

Sean Wilson 3 months ago

For many years, I had a desire to write picture books but didn't commit to it. I have published a novel for adults, with another on the way, but wasn't sure I could transition to writing for children. I felt I needed education specifically in writing picture books.

Margaret was a great tutor. She provided detailed feedback in a way that made me feel excited to revise my work. She has a keen eye for story and the common pitfalls of writing for picture books.

I feel confident - this is something I believe I can do successfully.

Ancy Varghese 4 months ago

I enjoyed everything about the course. Feedback was amazing and helped me to improve a lot. The modules were very informative. It also gave me the confidence and courage.

A very compact and resourceful course within such a short time.

Tricia Henriques-De-La-Fuente 4 months ago

The modules are thorough covering all aspects of writing a picture book, from the different writing techniques to publishing, sales advertising and marketing. The module recordings and handouts were well presented with exercises that provide opportunities to practise writing techniques. It was great to write assignments and receive constructive feedback.

Margaret gave clear advice on how to make improvements to my stories.

It has increased my confidence and encouraged me.

Trish Hansen 4 months ago

I enjoyed the assignment activities. Cathie's clear and concise feedback was incredibly valuable.

Mostly, the course has provided valuable insight into the structure and rhythm of children's picture books.

Do it. It's like reading Dr Suess - you go in, it gets messy, you come out changed.

Thank you for your enduring commitment to quality children's writing.

Kate Myors 4 months ago

I've been wanting to do an AWC course for a long time, and the timing was perfect for this one. I've tried writing children's stories but needed instruction on specific structure etc.

There was a lot of information in 5 weeks, which was great. I like Cathie's style of giving feedback. She tells it like it is, but in a nice way.

I had a few ideas for children's stories and had thought about illustrating them, as I paint/draw. Almost in the first lesson it was pointed out not to do the things I had planned so it has saved me a lot of time and wasted effort!


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