Lesley Gray 3 years ago

I felt that I needed to polish up on my Grammar and Punctuation... and, sadly I DID need to polish up!!!

Quite a lot of 'aha!' moments... I hadn't realised how bad my grammar etc was :)

It was easy to follow, comprehensive. I love that I can refer back to the course.

I am only at the beginning of my AWC journey, but so far so good.

Cheryl Watson 3 years ago

It was nice to know that I really did know a bit more than I thought but also that I was getting help and learning more about the bits I didn't know.

Try it. You will be surprised how much help it will be to you.

Naomi Shippen 3 years ago

I have always relied on instinct when it comes to grammar, and as I am about to start editing my novel, wanted the confidence of knowing the theory and grammar of punctuation.

This course was very thorough and highlighted the areas of grammar and punctuation I need to work on. It was broken down into easy-to-follow pieces and the information was easy to understand.

I now have greater confidence when it comes to grammar and punctuation. AWC has given me the tools that I can turn to whenever I am in doubt about any grammatical aspect of my writing.

The Grammar and Punctuation course with the Australian Writers' Centre will give you the tools you need to polish your work to a professional standard. The lessons are easy to follow and the exercises will help you to achieve a high standard of grammar and punctuation.

Lisa Toole 3 years ago

The videos were very clear. The technical terms were explained in a simple and easy-to-understand way. I really liked the quizzes as they allowed me to quickly check my knowledge.

There were lots of 'aha!' moments. Comma splicing was a particularly big one. I think the course allowed me to gain a greater understanding of the underlying structure of English. It made me realise just how much I didn't learn at school or at university. I studied journalism.

It's the first course I've done with AWC so far; however, I'd recommend this course to anyone wanting to brush up on their foundations.

Carlene Jansen 3 years ago

I wanted to make sure that my grammar was up to scratch. As a teacher I teach grammar to 8 years, but needed a bit more for my stories :)

I enjoyed the quizzes. I understood some simple grammar things especially commas and apostrophes that I had been confused about.

A great course to refine your grammar skills.

Peta Henshelwood 3 years ago

I had completed the Creative Writing Stage 1 and Fiction Essentials: Characters, so thought it was a terrific follow up to this. Also I've been working overseas for the last 13 years and wanted to make sure, now I'm back in Australia, that I'm writing in British / Australian English, not American, which I had to do overseas.

I enjoyed that I could take the quiz, check where I went wrong and retake it if I wanted to. I found this further consolidated my knowledge.

I actually knew more than I had thought. Although I definitely plan to continue creative writing, I'm currently engaging in University study again after a number of years away. As I've had to write educational information in American English over the last 13 years, I was worried I couldn't remember the correct Australian / British punctuation and grammar rules. It was a fabulous refresher course. Thank you! Now I have the confidence to continue creative writing and studying. A win, win!

Jacqui Nicholson 3 years ago

My grammar and punctuation were better than I thought, but I learned some things I didn't know as well. It's been very helpful and an educational experience for me. It has made me aware of my weaknesses and strengths. Now I know what I need to work on:)

Richard Regan 3 years ago

I have had trouble with the correct use of commas, colons and semi-colons, and wanted a quick refresher course.

I learned far more than I expected. Or to put that another way, I didn't know as much about punctuation, grammar and tenses as I thought I did.

This is an ideal course for those who need to brush up on their use of punctuation; especially in the use of commas and the correct way to punctuate dialogue.

Nadia Eschler 3 years ago

This grammar course has taught me in depth and I found it more helpful than what I learnt in school. I found it hard to learn English grammar at school and although English is my first language, this course simplified it without making it confusing.

I have no regret completing this course. Go for gold! I highly recommend this course for people who are needing a refresher or struggled with their English grammar and punctuation like I did.

Leanne Margaret 3 years ago

The amount of detail exceeded my expectations. I've noticed an improvement in my writing. It's much easier to make decisions about how to structure and punctuate sentences.

It's like a language I only partially knew is rising from between the words of everything. I'm reading with an eye for punctuation and grammar, which I barely noticed before. I wouldn't say I feel confident with my grammar yet, but I've taken some huge steps. Thanks AWC.

I've loved AWC courses because they have helped me to increase my skills and confidence. The online format is well organised and accessible. Grammar is grammar, and no more fun than at high school. But this grammar course will improve your writing and teach you things you thought you already knew. Totally worth the effort.

Valerie Miller 3 years ago

I wanted to improve my writing and to develop strong self-editing skills. This course helped me to re-learn grammar that I took for granted and reminded me of others. The fact it was geared to fiction writing made it extremely worthwhile.

I loved doing the exercises. Which I am going to re-do on a regular basis to really entrench the learning and refine my writing skills further.

I am more aware of what and why I am writing in terms of the grammatical structure. I have actually written a few pieces while doing this course and I have already noticed a marked improvement and heightened awareness.

If you want to be a skilled fiction writer you need to do this course. If you think you are a crafted writer, especially if editing is not your profession, then you must do this course. This course will sharpen your writing skills.


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