Jacqui Gregory 9 months ago

Bernadette was wonderful, very informative and provided great feedback, and when she praised something you knew it was good.

I enjoyed the interaction with the other students. Editing / critiquing other people's work does change how you experience reading and writing.

I am determined to finish my first novel to as high a standard as possible.

I have been recommending the AWC to friends, and I've simply said - if you want to write, find the AWC course and just do it - you won't regret it.

Thank you so much :-)

Lisabeth Donohue 1 year ago

I was attracted to this course because of its structure, modules and affordability, and that it was led by an industry expert.

Cathie knows her stuff. She's very approachable, honest, and a wealth of knowledge and experience.

I enjoyed everything - the modules that taught me new knowledge, the writing practice, the feedback from Cathie and the other students, and getting to know everyone as a writing community. I now feel as though I've entered the world of writing.

Thank you, AWC, for providing this wonderful course. Thank you to Cathie Tasker for everything I learnt over the course and for your feedback which pushed me forward in my writing career. I look forward to joining the next WYN course.

Angelina Stewart 1 year ago

Cathie was fantastic. She patiently guided me through the steps to achieve my goal of writing a middle grade novel series. Her knowledge is exceptional and when I applied her feedback and suggested writing techniques, my writing improved dramatically.

I ended up writing two middle grade manuscripts each with a word count of roughly 22,000 words.

I enjoyed the workshopping with fellow writers enrolled in the course. I loved the sense of community this course provided and the support was amazing.

My confidence and knowledge have improved greatly from undertaking this course. It is the best investment I've made in myself. The courses are so much fun and I feel more confident in my ability as a writer.

Tracey Sloan 1 year ago

I wanted to do this course because I really just wanted to finish my book! I'd been plodding away, self-editing for so long that it was time to throw everything at it and get it off the ground. I'd just finished the Novel Writing Essentials course and thoroughly enjoyed the feedback and deadlines to keep me on track. After that, I decided to take the leap of faith and write my novel.

Cathie has been fantastic. I couldn't even imagine how much I would learn from her guidance. I loved the way she gave specific feedback, usually with little graphics and book recommendations. A wonderful teacher.

Our little group of writers is such a lovely bunch of people! Everyone has been so kind and supportive, while also being constructive in their feedback. I've enjoyed reading others' novels too. I am so grateful for Cathie's feedback and guidance and looked forward to reading her notes and comments on every submission.

Thank you for providing such a wonderful resource for people who want to enjoy writing as a hobby or a possible career.

Robyn Pryor 1 year ago

Cathie is very knowledgeable and is not afraid to give honest feedback. She is kind and approachable. I'm so glad that she was the tutor for this course. She is an exceptional teacher.

Sharing my manuscripts with the other students has been invaluable. It's given me the confidence to keep writing and the desire to continue learning. And I've met some wonderful people and read some fabulous pieces of writing along the way.

I've learnt that there is so much to know about writing. You can't just sit down and write a book. This is a fun way to learn and to be continuously inspired.

Ann-marie Bywater 1 year ago

Jennifer was great. She was very helpful and giving when it came to her feedback. She was also really supportive without pulling any punches when it came to things that needed to be improved.

The opportunity to be given feedback on the whole novel was wonderful - especially since the people in the group were the first people to read it. I also really enjoyed reading everyone else's work - there were some amazing stories in the group.

I knew my novel needed improvements but found it hard to work out exactly what it was that needed fixing. Having a group of other writers giving feedback was so useful - I have direction now and am inspired to continue to improve my story. I have also met a group of really supportive women that I hope I will be able to continue to work with outside the course as we all continue our writing journeys.

All the courses that I have completed through AWC have been great. They are comprehensive and provide you with practical tips and information on how to write and how to improve your writing. They are well worth completing.

Fiona Evans 1 year ago

The tutor clearly knows writing and gave useful advice.

I enjoyed the variety of voices providing feedback and the opportunity to develop my own skills in critical reading and providing useful feedback. I'm better able to see the flaws in my writing (plot holes, poor characterisation etc.) and how to fix them.

Sign up - it's worth the money.

Jennifer Sutton 1 year ago

I was impressed by my online tutor because of the detail of information and the kind delivery of advice on how to correct my mistakes that I had made in my haste. The feedback was helpful and it was enjoyable to hear the good comments too.

I am reading and writing more each day. I love all the information that I have learnt, and I am inspired to work harder and be more focused on the craft.

Even though I am still redrafting my manuscript, my 'aha' moment was achieving the task of completing my manuscript. Also, that reviewing other students' manuscripts really opened my eyes to the art of storytelling and fresh ideas.

AWC courses are great. Choose one you like and get started. You will achieve your goal of writing and improving your craft.

Sue Oliver 1 year ago

I had begun my novel in the Novel Writing Essentials Course and wanted to finish it. I thought this program would be the best option and chose the six-month course because I wanted to get the first draft written as quickly as possible.

I enjoyed the interaction and feedback to and from my fellow students. It was fantastic. Great group. The tutor comments were very helpful.

AWC offers outstanding courses. I've done several now and they are all amazing. You learn so much and they are worth every penny!

Abigayle Moyer 1 year ago

I really wanted to finish my manuscript and get some good feedback on it. This course helped me do that!

I am really grateful for the writing friends I have made in the course. I found their feedback to be the most helpful part of the course (aside from the audio classes which I loved). During the feedback my peers gave me, they pointed out how passive my language was. I didn't realize I was doing that and so that helped me moving forward.

This is a great way to continue education on your own time and pursue your writing goals! I have learned a ton in the three courses I have taken!

Terry Hutcheson 1 year ago

Cathie was excellent. Honest and encouraging. She knows how to push you to produce your very best.

The learning modules were excellent and it was lovely to be part of a supportive writing community.

It's given me confidence to pursue my dream as a fiction writer. I've discovered I have talent and, with hard work, have a good chance of success. I'm inspired to master my craft and can't wait to do Edit Your Novel.

The Australian Writers' Centre will unlock your creative potential. Look no further!

Carol Ramshaw 1 year ago

Cathie's feedback gave me pause to think and was always helpful.

I didn't think I was going to learn as much as I did. A few suggested changes to my writing made my novel fresh and more modern. I feel I've learnt the skills to streamline my writing but also give it some depth.

Leah Butterworth 1 year ago

Cathie was very knowledgeable about the industry and gave insightful and valuable feedback.

I'm continually going back to the handouts and modules, particularly the ones on structure and voice. These have really helped me not only sort out my story but sort out my overwhelmed brain.

I enjoyed messing around with POV and tense to get the voice right. I didn't realise how intimately entwined they are and how great it feels to get it right.

Thanks everyone at AWC. This course helped me get stuck in, just get it done and I found my people along the way :) It's not just about doing a course and completing modules, it's so great to be supported and feel like there's a whole community behind you.

Kathy Kassulke 1 year ago

I had pantsed the first part of my novel but felt I had lost control of it and didn't know how to progress the story in a way that made sense. Definitely word spew, to borrow another writer's words. I saw the Write Your Novel course as a way to provide structure to my work and give me deadlines to ensure I completed the first draft.

The course is so comprehensive and I feel Cathie has just the right amount of push and reward with new writers. I learnt so much and really enjoyed the process. Cathie's direction and feedback were excellent. I've come back for round 2, so that indicates the respect I have for Cathie and the course.

It has given me the confidence to continue writing. Also, this has been a time of transition in my life and the course and the contact with the other students has helped me keep my chin up.

If you are serious about wanting to advance your writing and give yourself a good chance of being published, the courses at AWC will give you the knowledge and confidence to persevere until you have that well written manuscript.

I'd like to thank Cathie Tasker and everybody at AWC, including the administration staff and course writers. I've sat in on some of your other podcasts and I always learn something new.

Pauline Rutherford 1 year ago

I was ready to keep going with my story idea but needed help with structure as well as a deadline to keep me focussed and writing. I had completed Novel Writing Essentials and this was the next step.

This course and tutor allowed me to write as the type of writer I am: a pantser. A chaotic one. I always looked forward to the new modules dropping and reading the feedback, although this last was also the most nerve racking.

It has shown me I can write something someone else would like to read; that it is okay to be a pantser and that not everyone is going to like what I write and that's okay too. It has also given me permission to be a writer.

I highly recommend these courses to anyone who is thinking they want to write. Even if you only have a tiny idea but want to see it grow these courses are what you need. Just do it.

Kat Beaton 1 year ago

Angela was a terrific tutor: she was honest with her feedback but also encouraging. She gave me some excellent ideas for problems in my story.

I enjoyed chatting with everyone about their books, helping them by giving good feedback, receiving the feedback from others.

Without it, I don't know if I would have finished my novel!

Write Your Novel really is what it says it is - if you do this course and complete the weekly tasks you'll end up writing your novel! It may just be a first draft but that's still an incredible achievement! The feedback given from the tutor and from classmates is absolute gold and although it is a lot of work reading other people's writing it adds immensely to your understanding of what makes for good writing.

Thanks. I really enjoyed it.

Karen Treloar 1 year ago

The outcomes for the course attracted me. You need to submit a draft at the end of the course. It makes you accountable. You know what you're signing up for.

I was concerned I wouldn't finish. I wasn't sure I would be able to meet the deadlines for submissions and feedback but I did it! I didn't let either myself or others down.

The tutor provided very good feedback - highlighting both areas that needed to be worked on, and areas that were working well. She had a good understanding of each of our novels - impressive!

I enjoyed the workshopping aspects - giving and receiving feedback. It's easier to pick up issues/errors in others' work and then notice you are having the same issues or making the same mistakes.

It has given me a lot more confidence and self-belief. A lot of positive reinforcement and encouragement. But also feedback on what's working and what's not.

If you're serious about your writing, then don't hesitate. Do a course. You learn to step up your game. There's no hiding. It's a supportive and encouraging learning environment. But you do learn what works and what doesn't. You will soon be able to see how you measure up, and areas you need to improve in. And you meet other great likeminded people.

Tina Mills 1 year ago

I was able to improve my understanding and application of POV, character development and storytelling techniques. The workshopping was invaluable.

The tutor was very professional, encouraging while still picking up on areas to focus on. I enjoyed reading and workshopping the submissions by fellow students.

I feel so much more confident in my ability to achieve my lifelong ambition of completing a novel. I understand where and why I have given up before and felt it was beyond my ability. It is one thing to be able to write well, it is quite another to be able to tell a story well.

I've loved the interviews (and Facebook posts) with the various authors--hearing about their techniques, how they achieved their goals, and making me realise some of the things I feel are completely normal (for a writer!) I hope one day I am among them.

Thank you for keeping my dream alive!

Regardless of how well you think you can write or tell a story, the AWC will help you do both better.

Stefanie Johnstone 1 year ago

Pam is ace. She is so calm and kind and she took my intro comments and gave me pointed feedback that was useful and easy to digest.

I enjoyed the deadlines to submit work. It helped me overcome my procrastination or letting life get in the way.

It helped me establish a new creative writing routine post-uni. Indeed, I considered Write Your Novel as a remedial course! Due to university commitments, I hadn’t been able to work creatively and focus on my novels for three years.

I established a good writing technique or routine by pushing myself to write toward a deadline. After working from home for three years, I understood I couldn't be creatively productive there.

I took the train to the library on the weekend, aiming to get there by the 10am opening time. I could sometimes use my phone to write on the train if I felt up to it. At the library, I could put in 1.5 hours of writing. For a lunch break, I would walk to a cafe, and while waiting for food, I could sometimes put down some more words. Afterwards, if I felt up to it, I would return to a library to write or do a creative nourishment activity (such as a movie). Had I seen a movie, the train ride home was another space and time to get some more writing done.

This seems indulgent, expensive and fattening! But making time for myself to work on my novels and do creative things was wonderful for my writing progress *and* mental health. This course helped me to develop and understand my writing needs.

Shane McMaster 1 year ago

Pamela Cook was a fantastic tutor. She was insightful, helpful and encouraging. She has helped so much and I cannot thank her enough.

The feedback from an experienced writer just helped me to understand how to make my work more engaging. I have the confidence to continue with my writing journey.


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