Julie Paine 2 years ago

Tim is a legend. I loved it and all the info was extremely helpful. I enjoyed his quirky humour; caramel donuts; and farts.

It's helped me consider different ways of injecting humour into my work.

Linda Swadling 2 years ago

A writing friend mentioned the course to me when it was first released and I purchased it straight away. I also purchased and completed a number of other AWC courses before I completed this one. As someone who found this course at the start of their writing journey, I was attracted to the course as I knew adding humour to my books was something I wanted to do and who better to be guide me in this than Tim Harris.

I loved how Tim was so open and honest about everything in the course. Made the course and material very relatable.

I have already used the techniques in a picture book I was working on and have submitted to an Australian publisher for consideration. Tim's feedback of my final assessment was the confidence boost I needed to just get in there and write my heart out. I can't even put into words how his critique of my assessment has made me feel about my writing.

If you are having fun, your readers will pick up on that. I think that's the major thing I have taken from this course.

I recommend AWC all the time. I am currently finishing my 9th of 10 courses through the AWC and I have taken something from each and every one of them. I know that my writing has improved dramatically in the last 12 months because of the information and feedback provided in the courses. If you are even just a little bit curious about exploring different avenues of writing, then give AWC a go.

Shannon Meyerkort 3 years ago

I have recently begun to write stories for children and know the way to their hearts (and heads) is by making them laugh.

I liked the clarity and brevity. Tim was very knowledgeable and approachable. I now have a new arsenal of skills to take with me as I approach my next writing project.

A great course for anyone wanting to understand the specifics of writing humour for children and the finer details of how different types of jokes can be approached. Hilarity ensues!

Liz Kay 3 years ago

The delivery was perfect; not too much information being thrown at you and plenty of opportunity to develop my own stories. Also loved all of the reference texts; I've discovered some new faves.

Writing for kids is harder than you think!

It has helped me with finding my writing interest and voice.

If you are interested in writing, head here first as the offering of courses is amazing :)

Danielle Cerin 3 years ago

It's a very specific area within children's writing, and it aligned with my style of writing and the type of books I hope to create/publish. Tim being the tutor was a draw card.

The course has made me much more conscious of the humorous techniques used in kids’ books and with my own writing - which was the whole point of the course! So that is great.

Extremely suitable and appropriate tutor. I loved that Tim shared examples of his own work and other popular pieces to demonstrate the lessons. Video delivery was great. Very engaging course.

Marg Griess 3 years ago

I loved Tim Harris' zany approach to teaching. Exactly what the material is about. I savoured each lesson and will be going over the material again. Well done! The course has helped me develop my funny bone... just what I was looking for!

I loved Tim Harris' videos. His props and gags are exactly the attitude a writer of humour for kids needs. I may have to get a few wigs to wear while I write! Besides, his content is spot on. I was able to write a funny story much to my relief at the end. Mission accomplished!

Tim's feedback on my submission was just the best feedback ever. Top notch!

I really had a hard time reading my own material, thinking it just was not funny enough and cringing at my submission. When I received Tim's comments and his genuine giggle at parts of it, I was heartened to think I do have it in me to write funny. I was struggling with that before the course.

Go for it. It is worth money well spent!

Zoe Disher 3 years ago

Tim's video lessons were very engaging and full of great insights.

Doing the course and receiving feedback on the assessment piece has improved my confidence in my writing abilities. The course also introduced me to more funny books for kids to read. Realising that humour can be broken down and scrutinised to find out what makes it work.

Go for it! It's lots of fun and packed with information about what kids find funny and how to incorporate it into your writing.

Amelia Lewis 3 years ago

I haven't come across another writing course which explicitly analyses and teaches humour in this way.

This course gave me the confidence to start dabbling in funny middle-grade fiction, but also indirectly improved my picture book writing. In fact, an idea I came up with during one of Tim's suggested brainstorming exercises actually turned into a hilarious picture book which has been picked up by a publisher (a first for me!)

Tim Harris knows funny! He has crafted a course which unpacks humour in an easy-to-grasp, insightful way, and his delivery literally made me laugh out loud. I'm finishing this course knowing a wee bit more about toilet humour, ready to put my characters through hell for the sake of a joke, totally understanding recurring humour and totally understanding recurring humour. See? I'm so much funnier now. Thanks, Tim!

Mandy Clancey 3 years ago

I am interested in writing for children and I had not really previously considered writing humour. When I saw this course offered, I thought it would be worthwhile seeing if it was something I would enjoy and could be good at.

The video lessons were funny and very easy to understand. The activities were also fun to do.

I think I have learned that writing humour for children is possibly something I could do. At the very least it is an option which I hadn't considered before and can now look into expanding my skills if I want to.

Lynette Tweed 3 years ago

I wanted to learn techniques to add humour to my stories. I heard a podcast with Tim and thought that he would be a wonderful person to learn from.

I enjoyed Tim's enthusiasm and light-heartedness.

I am thinking about how I can make scenes humorous by using some of the ideas that Tim taught me. When writing funny books for children it is okay to be silly and think outside the box.

The courses are practical and easily accessible. You can do them in your own time and truly help you to think about your writing.

Stacy Baldwin 3 years ago

I've been wanting to learn how to write humour for a while. I need a lighthearted break from the usual genres I write.

This course was absolutely brilliant. It's cleared up some massive issues I was having with my middle-grade projects. Thank you

I absolutely adored the information given and the activities.

It's revealed that I can actually do humour. And my story ideas aren't actually as out there as I expected. It's given me the confidence to try my hand at something I thought I'd never be able to succeed at.


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