Ann Graham 3 years ago

I'd just completed the Creative Writing Stage One course and I thought the Bootcamp would be a good way to help me keep getting words down on the page.

I enjoyed the daily encouragement, and the challenges to try different things.

I now have over 12,000 words that didn't exist a couple of months ago, and the beginning of a story that I want to keep writing. I've always been drawn to writing, but I didn't expect to enjoy the process of world building and writing fiction as much as I am.

I really appreciate the flexibility and variety of the AWC. As I'm based in SA, I especially appreciate the broad range of online courses available.

Nadine Connell 3 years ago

I needed some extra motivation to start putting words to paper. I had taken a couple of other AWC classes (and some others during the pandemic) but was afraid to take the next step. This seemed like a gentle way to get started. I also liked the daily accountability.

I was a bit nervous that writing daily would be cumbersome. I should not have worried!

I just really appreciated how manageable it was. I was a bit overwhelmed about the idea of 10,000 words in 30 days, but by the end of the course, I ended up with 15,000! Still a long way to go but I feel like I've put words on paper and can now take the next appropriate steps (which will definitely include more AWC courses!) to make my dream come into a reality. I don't ever expect to be a full-time novelist but it would be great to have one full piece of creative writing and I feel like that's a very attainable goal now.

Christine Reeve 3 years ago

This Bootcamp course has been awesome for me because I know that I can do it and I will keep going no matter how painstakingly slow it is.

I knew I couldn't do it every day but I'm grateful that these courses allow me to do it when I can.

I love that each day was written by someone in a way that was light and cheery (for want of a better description.) Thank you for not making it 'chore-like'. And I love the quotes at the end.

I know now that I can pump out the words and push on.

Brigita Ozolins 3 years ago

I'm working on a first draft of a novel and had become a bit stuck. The Bootcamp sounded like a really great way to boost my writing and develop a more disciplined approach.

I was surprised at how disciplined I was completing the daily targets for writing. No one was checking in on me, so I guess I could have cheated, but I didn't because the course itself was so motivational - and I found I often wanted to write more than the daily word count!

I know I can complete my writing goals by setting myself daily targets, whether I am in the mood for writing or not. I also know that I CAN do 500 words in 30 minutes, even though I found this the hardest writing challenge of all. I'm going to start the course again and repeat it, because I just loved the structure.

If you want to improve your writing and build your confidence as a writer, do a course with the AWC! You won't regret it!

Michele Slatter 3 years ago

I didn't really think it would change the way I viewed writing but it has. Begone Lady Dabbler, Welcome Determined Author!

Victoria Ryan 3 years ago

The structured 30 day plan was very helpful. This course kept me focused. It helped me push through the days I didn’t feel like writing and allowed me to make time for short sessions. It’s not a big ask time-wise but it adds up quickly.

It’s a great place to get started; the AWC has content other writing courses don’t.

Lynette Tweed 3 years ago

I enjoyed the daily word count expectation. I am making myself write something everyday. I learned that it doesn't really matter how many or few words you write, it is all about just writing something.

The course is amazing. You give loads of ideas and inspiration.


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