Category: Furious Fiction

Furious Fiction June 2020 winner and shortlist

This month on the Furious Fiction show, we asked contestants to conjure a short story out of thin air using the following criteria: Each story’s first and last words had to begin with J. Each story had to include a game being played. Each story had to include the phrase

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Furious Fiction May 2020 winner and shortlist

May was another huge month for our spritely little Furious Fiction competition – with our second highest entries ever (highest was last month!). It just shows what great word of mouth and marketing–cough cough lockdown pandemic cough— can do! Being the fifth month of the year, or maybe because we

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Furious Fiction April 2020 winner and shortlist

My my… it seems the combination of people being stuck at home and perhaps starved for creativity has led to this month’s Furious Fiction competition smashing previous records as 1700 entries came flooding in! These were the criteria: Each story had to begin on the side of a road. Each

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Furious Fiction March 2020 winner and shortlist

It’s been quite a month for the planet, but Furious Fiction judging stops for no pandemic (although each entry did have to be judged two metres apart). It’s hard to believe it was only two and a half weeks ago (feels much longer, right?) that we received a bumper 1200

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Furious Fiction February 2020 winner and shortlist

Furious Fiction celebrated its second birthday this month with just a quiet gathering of more than 1200 of its closest friends. That’s right, it was the second largest turnout ever, and these were the criteria on the table: Each story had to include a GUARD of some kind. Each story

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12 things we’ve learnt from judging Furious Fiction

Furious Fiction has been going for two years now and that’s a lot of challenges under our proverbial belt! We love dishing up a new set of criteria each month, and as a result, a wide variety of stories have stood on the podium. On closer inspection however, there are

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Furious Fiction January 2020 winner and shortlist

A new year of Furious Fiction and a new crop of hopeful storytellers (and some veterans!) lining up to showcase their skills. With the devastating bushfires at their peak earlier this month, a lot of writers used the challenge as a chance to express their emotions through their words –

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Furious Fiction December 2019 winner and shortlist

It was the day before Christmas and throughout the world, writers sat waiting and curiosity swirled.  Whose holiday was about to get merrier? Let’s find out – here were the criteria… Each story had to include SOMETHING EITHER BEING SENT OR RECEIVED IN THE MAIL. Each story had to include

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Furious Fiction November 2019 winner and shortlist

This month’s Furious Fiction was quite the layer cake of evil – asking for a whole lot of things from our intrepid storytellers. These were the criteria: Each story had to include YOUR INTERPRETATION of ALL FIVE of the above emojis, in any order. Each story’s first word had to

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Furious Fiction October 2019 winner and shortlist

Furious Fiction celebrated its 21st fabulous instalment this month – and we marked the occasion by tipping out 20 of the previous winning words and asking you to pick some for your story. Plus, because it was our birthday-but-you-get-the-presents, we wanted stories set in either a LIBRARY or BOOKSHOP (cue

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Furious Fiction turns 21 and fans sign the card

Furious Fiction this month celebrates 21 months of fantastic flash fiction fun! So to get into the party spirit, we bought one of those huge novelty cards and passed it around some of our biggest fans for them to each say nice things (sniff… you GUYS!… now we’re getting all

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Furious Fiction September 2019 winner and shortlist

This month, more than 1000 writers entered Furious Fiction – mixing alchemy with creativity in the hope of stumbling upon the magic story elixir. The September criteria were varied and many: Each story had to include the name of at least ONE element from the periodic table. Each story’s first

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Furious Fiction August 2019 winner and shortlist

This month’s Furious Fiction continued to break records, with almost 1400 entries received across the weekend! The theme was a little different too, as we got all descriptive. The August criteria were: Each story had to include, word for word, ALL of the following SIX descriptions: SHINY, SILVER COLD AND

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Furious Fiction July 2019 winner and shortlist

This month we rode the story train and received a record number of entries for Furious Fiction yet again (we keep breaking those records) – as nearly 1200 writers climbed aboard. It’s official – writers love trains! Here were the JULY requirements each story had to meet: The story had

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Furious Fiction June 2019 winner and shortlist

Near-record entries came flooding in for June’s Furious Fiction this month (more than 1000 stories across the weekend!) – which means our fans well and truly came to the PARTY. We put that word in caps just then for a reason – because that played a big part(y) in this

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Furious Fiction May 2019 winner and shortlist

“Mayhem” was one of the words we required of storytellers in May, and combined with the mix of other criteria it was probably an appropriate description for our list of must-haves this month! That said, we had our second biggest ever response as nearly 1000 stories vied to be mayor

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Furious Fiction April 2019 winner and shortlist

Writing short fiction is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution. If you’ve never done anything like this before, it could have you spending most of the Furious Fiction weekend asking yourself “what’s it going to be then, eh?” And so it was, to

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Furious Fiction March 2019 winner and shortlist

Writing can be a lot like doing the laundry. You put a jumble of ideas and words into the machine and then— actually, this simile isn’t doing it for us. Let’s just get to the winning Furious Fiction stories! For March’s criteria, we sent many into a spin cycle by

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Furious Fiction February 2019 winner and shortlist

It was a bumper birthday bonanza this month – as a record number of more than 1100 writers submitted a story in Furious Fiction. Wow! Well done to all who entered. A reminder of the criteria that we asked for this month: Each story’s first sentence had to contain EXACTLY THREE

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Furious Fiction January 2019 winner and shortlist

A new year and a NEW Furious Fiction challenge – with January seeing a record number of almost 1000 entrants (something about those New Year’s goals) battling it out for story supremacy. A reminder of the criteria that we asked for this month: Each story’s first word had to be

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