Category: Furious Fiction

Furious Fiction: June 2024 Story Showcase

Welcome to June’s Furious Fiction story showcase – where we celebrate flash fiction creativity and the power of storytelling. The creative prompts for this month were: Each story had to strongly feature a relationship between TWO characters.  Each story had to include someone whispering. Each story had to include the

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Furious Fiction: May 2024 Story Showcase

Welcome to May’s Furious Fiction story showcase – a celebration of flash fiction creativity for this month. The creative prompts were: Each story had to take place on an IMPORTANT DATE from the past 50 years – i.e. from May 1974 onwards.  Each story had to include a character who

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Furious Fiction: April 2024 Story Showcase

Welcome to April’s Furious Fiction story showcase – where we bring you the answers to the questions we asked of our collective community this month. The creative prompts were: Each story’s first sentence had to be a question. Each story had to include something being pulled. Each story had to

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Furious Fiction: March 2024 Story Showcase

Welcome to March’s Furious Fiction story showcase – where we revisit what sparked your collective creativity this month and celebrate our favourites. Here were the criteria/prompts that we asked for in March: Each story had to include a character who revisits something.  Each story had to include the same colour

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Furious Fiction: February 2024 Story Showcase

Welcome to February’s Furious Fiction story showcase – our monthly champagne-popping, popcorn-munching celebration of creativity! Here were the criteria/prompts that we asked for this month: Each story’s first sentence had to include something being POPPED.  Each story had to include a character referencing a FILM title. Each story had to

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Furious Fiction: January 2024 Story Showcase

Welcome to the first Furious Fiction story showcase of 2024 – our monthly spotlight on collective creativity! Here were this month’s criteria: Each story had to take place on a character’s FIRST DAY OF A NEW JOB. Each story had to include something being stolen. Each story had to include

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Furious Fiction: December 2023 Story Showcase

Welcome to the jumbo-sized December Furious Fiction story showcase – and a chance to celebrate our community’s creativity! It’s also the opportunity to have YOUR OWN story featured or acknowledged – out of hundreds received from around the globe. Here were this month’s criteria: Each story had to take place

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Furious Fiction: November 2023 Story Showcase

Welcome to the November Furious Fiction story showcase – a chance to bathe in the crystal clear (and sometimes murky) waters of our community’s creativity! It’s also the opportunity to have YOUR OWN story featured or acknowledged – out of hundreds received from around the globe. Here were this month’s

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Furious Fiction: October 2023 Story Showcase

Welcome to the October Furious Fiction story showcase – our monthly spotlight on our community’s creativity and the opportunity to have YOUR OWN story featured or acknowledged. Here were this month’s criteria: Each story had to feature someone looking through either a TELESCOPE or BINOCULARS. Each story had to include

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Furious Fiction: September 2023 Story Showcase

Welcome to the September Furious Fiction story showcase – our monthly spotlight on our community’s creativity and the opportunity to have YOUR OWN story featured or acknowledged. Here were this month’s criteria: Your story must start and end with the same sentence. Your story must feature something being inflated. Your

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Furious Fiction: August 2023 Story Showcase

Welcome to the August Furious Fiction story showcase – a monthly ‘storytelling shop window’ of our community’s creativity and the opportunity to have YOUR OWN story featured or acknowledged. And this month, we dined out on the following criteria: Each story had to take place in a RESTAURANT. Each story

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Furious Fiction: July 2023 Story Showcase

Welcome to July’s Furious Fiction story showcase – a monthly chance to shout out our community’s creativity and the opportunity to have YOUR OWN story featured or acknowledged. And this month it was all about connecting with your inner child – here were the criteria: Each story had to include

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Furious Fiction: June 2023 Story Showcase

Welcome to June’s Furious Fiction story showcase – our monthly fiesta of 500-words-or-fewer fiction fabulousness! Most importantly, it’s a chance to shout out our community’s creativity and the opportunity to have YOUR OWN story featured or acknowledged. So, without further ado, let’s remind ourselves of what June’s criteria were: To

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Furious Fiction: May 2023 Story Showcase

Welcome to May’s Furious Fiction story showcase – a monthly celebration of our community’s creativity and the chance to have YOUR OWN story featured or acknowledged. So, without further ado, let’s remind ourselves of what May’s criteria were: Each story had to include a character who was BEING CHASED or

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Furious Fiction April 2023 Story Showcase

Welcome to April’s Furious Fiction story showcase – a monthly celebration of our community’s creativity and the chance to have YOUR OWN story featured or acknowledged. So, without further ado, let’s remind ourselves of what April’s criteria were: Each story had to include something that CHANGES COLOUR. Each story had

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Furious Fiction: March 2023 Story Showcase

Welcome to our new-look Furious Fiction monthly story showcase! As always, this will be a place to be inspired by our community’s creativity – and perhaps even see YOUR OWN story featured. It’s always so interesting to see how different writers use the monthly challenge criteria, so let’s remind ourselves

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Furious Fiction December 2022 winner and shortlist

For the final month of 2022 (the 12th month, if you will), Furious Fiction entrants were set a curious collection of criteria. Here they are now: Each story had to begin with a 12-word sentence. Each story had to include the sale of a second-hand item Each story had to

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Furious Fiction September 2022 winner and shortlist

How does one celebrate FIFTY editions of Furious Fiction? Why, just like our previous 49 – we dish out some creative criteria for the world’s collective imaginations to do their thing in 500 words or fewer. Here were the September criteria: Each story’s first sentence had to contain the word

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Furious Fiction June 2022 winner and shortlist

A writer (you’ve probably never heard of) once said, “all the world’s a stage” and in this round’s Furious Fiction challenge, all of the entrants were indeed merely players. Here were the criteria: Each story had to begin with a sentence containing exactly SIX words. Each story had to include

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Furious Fiction March 2022 winner and shortlist

The first Furious Fiction challenge for the year landed in March, and it was the talk of the town – to miss it would surely be a crime. Here were the criteria: Each story had to include a character that commits a crime. Each story had to include some kind

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